Compassion: In Arizona the Republican/Bagger Congresspeople have still declined to fund the budgets that have saved lives of their citizens who are in the throws of needing an organ transplant. The Governor has refused to listen to suggestions how this budget item can be revived, and the legislators snidely remark that most of those on the transplant list are going to die anyway, so why spend good money on a bad life.
Care: Seems that every other word the Republican/Baggers mutter has to do with what is good for big business, big corporations, and really big rich people. Making cuts in social services is as easy as one-two-three according to this group of politicians, but anytime the word tax erupts from any one's lips for big business, big corporations, big rich people, all we hear is a serenade of how it will eliminate the potential of jobs. Amazing to me that during the 8 years of the Bush/Cheney dynasty empowered by the majority of Republicans in the Congress who did all they could for their corporate, business wealthy sponsors, we lost more and more jobs and ended up with an unwieldy recession. Why is the care only for the wealthy and caring less is gladly granted to the lower and middle class citizens?
Individual Rights: Guns are the right of individuals to carry as stated in the Constitution because we must be able to protect ourselves from the Government when they decide to invade our homes. Right now the individual can carry a whole assortment of guns, with rounds and rounds of ammunition to keep the killing going. And add to that that very few even have to offer up any semblance of sanity, history of conviction or motive as to the purchase of that weapon. But when an individual wants to be protects from someone carrying an assault weapon with 30 rounds of ammo, or does not want a person to carry that gun in a school or park or bar, their individual rights are called unpatriotic and poo poohed by the Republican/Baggers.
The Children: No matter what is done, no matter what the rational, the reason for making cuts, denying social services, entitlement programs by the Republican/Baggers is that they are doing it for the children. Does not matter that the current batch of children my have less access to health care, schools, jobs, nope it is for the foreseeable future of children.
The children go to schools, yet in most state budgets the first slice of the budget pie is the money going for education. In Florida, the Governor wants to slash 10 per cent from that states budget toward their education department. In the Congress, the Tea Baggers are surrounding the Department of Education with bright smiles and elimination written on their T-Shirts.
Must be too many of those minority kids going to public school. Must be too many teachers are part of the union and unions are a communist plot. Or maybe when a child is home schooled, you have no need to discuss history written by scholars but can replace the facts with idiot comments from the likes of Michelle Bachman or Sarah Palin. Or may the whole concept of evolution can be ignored and replaced with creationism.
Big Government: Why is government too big when the Republican/Tea Baggers don't like to be bossed around, but government is not big enough when the Republican/Baggers want it to include their brand of religious imperatives. Seems the Republican/Baggers want big Government to decide for women who should and who should not get an abortion. they want to write into law a bill stopping hospitals to cease abortions even if it means the death of the mother. They want to define what is rape anyway. They want to deny women who have been horrifically been abused, been violated, attacked from claiming that was rape. The Republican/Baggers want be the deciders just who is permitted to marry. Love ha nothing to with it if you are Gay, equality has nothing to with it if you are the same sex and want to marry. Freedom is not your choice if you are Adam and Steve wanting to say "I do".
Common Man: Why is the common man, as defined by Republican/Tea Baggers white, Evangelical Christian, wealthy, and full of hate?
I don't understand how we permit these close minded hypocrites to continue their war on America, American values, and American freedoms. Do we remain silent until some of the programs and ideals spread by the Republican/Baggers actually affects us, and then cry out? But haven't we learned from history by the time they come for us there is usually no one left to stop them!
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