Birthers rejoice! After a string of court defeats, you’ve got yourself a small but real win.
The Arizona House approved a bill Wednesday that would require presidential candidates to show his or her birth certificate in order to be on the state’s ballot.
In other words, if President Obama wants to appear on the Arizona ballot in 2012, he just might have to produce his birth certificate.(Wall Street Journal)
Now, it seems the state that brought you papers please if you look like a Mexican you must be illegal, transplant patients only have a short shelf life so need to cover their life saving operations with state paid funds, and carry that gun anywhere you want with no real background checks necessary cause the 2nd amendment requires you carry as many magazines as possible, has decided that the Black man, the one with a Muslim sounding un-American first and last name, the man surely of Communist background, and socialist leaning, must produce not just a copy of his birth certificate, but the original one written August 4, 1961…or else!
When supposedly legitimate politicians like the Speaker of the House John Boehner says people have the right to think as they please, so I will not try and put an official cabbash on this ‘birther’ nonsense, and pundits pleading to truth and honesty like the boys and girls on FOX Pac news but preferring lies and falsehoods run one story after the other denouncing each and every produced birth certificate, and when each and every Republican/Tea Bag candidate wanting to appease the fringe on the right, say “I guess if he says he is a citizen, he might be”, the next irrational step is exactly what the state of Arizona has proposed, a SHOW ME YOUR ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE BILL.
CONCORD, N.H.—Lawmakers in the state House will vote on legislation to repeal the law that sanctions gay marriage in New Hampshire, even if Republicans who dominate the chamber don't include it among their top priorities, undaunted supporters of a repeal said Thursday. (
Once again, the Gays have become a priority for the haters. Once again with the stated priority of jobs, jobs, jobs, the mantra of stopping Gays from receiving equal rights, based on fact-less truth, but lots of trumped up insecurity and bigotry reign supreme in the land of the Republican/Tea Baggers of New Hampshire. Somehow I am sure there will be a connection with high unemployment and the Gay agenda.
A law that brings equality, a law that recites the rights of the Constitution, a law that provides Americans with the same protections as any other American who love and seek to marry the one they love, is deemed a disciple of the devil and is being urged to disappear.
Based on some principle based on a skewed version of the Bible and not on an honest reading of the Constitution, the politicians in the state of New Hampshire care less about freedoms and care more about fomenting hate.
Utah Representative Carl Wimmer’s dream of an official firearm for the state of Utah went a step further Monday at the capitol in Salt Lake City. The bill made it out of committee with a 4-2 vote, and will go before the senate for debate and a vote.
The vote followed party lines with republicans supporting the measure, but it also followed gender lines, with the two democrats - also women, opposing the bill.
The Herriman republican wants the state to recognize the contributions of John Browning by making the Browning Model 1911 Utah’s official gun. (
It is not enough to mourn the death of innocent people, the injury of others one winter day in Arizona...its not enough to bow our heads and for a moment in the time frame of America shamefully admonish the shooter, its not enough to say we must not blame until the grieving is over, but to then within a few weeks of a tragic event, to promote along with a bird a flower, a tree a state recognized gun... is to say the least, insensitive and to say the most, idiotic. But the Republican/Tea Bag politicians in Utah managed to ignore conscience and crassly demonstrate their loathing for human life.
The American Revolution was the result of a series of social, political, and intellectual transformations in early American society and government, collectively referred to as the American Enlightenment. Americans rejected the oligarchies common in aristocratic Europe at the time, championing instead the development of republicanism based on the Enlightenment understanding of liberalism. Among the significant results of the revolution was the creation of a democratically-elected representative government responsible to the will of the people. However, sharp political debates erupted over the appropriate level of democracy desirable in the new government, with a number of Founders fearing Mob Rule (wikipedia)
Mob Rule n. control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation. Mob rule, an interesting feature the founding fathers of this nation feared the potential of ever happening in the governing of a new nation. Mob Rule in America 2011, n. find a scapegoat, based on religious dogma, fed by America extremism, peppered by personal political gain, decry minority rights as Un-American and make yourself the victim.
For those of us who smugly say I am not a Black man, or Gay, or of Mexican heritage watch out cause coming for you in the guise of This is My America, Your piece of the American pie is going to be laid to waste because no matter how you define yourselves you may not fit the mold of the self righteous. For those of us as Jews, Muslims, Catholics who chant the mantra of separation of Church and State as being sacrosanct, be aware that for those who get their Bible study from Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Mike Pence, Mike Huckabee the assumption is the founding fathers had their fingers crossed behind their backs and really meant Church is State. For those of us who say we should abide by the 2nd Amendment get ready for the OK Corral and High Noon with Uzies, and machine guns to your part of town.
Mob Rule by any name is still chaos and confusion. It is taking of liberty for the many so the few end up with more power. State by state we seem to see more rights being eroded under the excuse that America has lost its way, its meaning, its destiny. It is JUST an excuse to condone bigotry and bias.
It scares the hell out of me.
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