Republicans look to prohibit EPA Regulations. Republicans want to repeal the Health Care Bill. Republicans want to defund the Finance Reform Bill. Republicans want to eliminate the Department of Education. Prohibit, repeal, defund, eliminate if it has anything to do with the air we breathe, the quality of life we live, the ability for equality in economics, how we educate our youth a continuing mantra of the current slate of Republican law makers in this country just say NO.
Prohibit any gun control law, permit the wealthiest to remain wealthy, deny civil liberties to any minority deemed Un-American, and cement the rift between the separation of Church and State, making Evangelical Christianity the official State religion. Prohibit, permit, deny, cement a call to action by the elected Republican law makers, anything that suits their fringe voter that encourages “us vs. them”, always sugar coat the facts spicing them with innuendo and fabrication and say it is the American way, just say YES.
Say your goal is to create jobs, but don’t stop your underwriters, your sponsors, your lobbyists from outsourcing jobs, creating major profits while the worker receives less of a pay check. Say that you have Christian conservative values, but deny funding for transplants, the unemployed, the disabled, the poor. Say the current administration has overspent, but never admit to your own culpability over the past 8 years in adding deficit upon deficit to the budget while helping your wealthy donors become richer and richer.
And then let us hear from the hero’s of the Republican Party such as Ann Coulter, “…If interstate commerce clauses allow health insurance mandate, GOP should mandate guns and Bible…” So the self proclaimed owners of religion in this Nation think health care is unimportant, but as you pass the ammunition load up on your 30 rounds of bullets, read a chapter from the Bible talking about love thy neighbor, but not if he needs health care.
And then say you are unifier, the voice for all Americans as we see the lack of inclusion from those who feel that inclusion means only if you hate as I do: After event organizers decided to allow GOProud, a gay Republican group, to be a "participating organization" for a second straight year, social conservative organizations like the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America decided they wouldn't be coming out. Ditto for the Heritage Foundation and the American Family Association. Now, two more leading conservatives have announced they're going to skip March's festivities. Do not call yourself a conservative and homosexual in the same breath, or it may be your last breath.
And talk about amendment rights but never the responsibility of those rights. Mayor Blumberg of New York was quite blunt in his criticism of the sale of automatic assault rifles. "No rational person thinks you should be able to sell a rifle that's advertising as able to bring down a commercial airliner," "Nobody thinks we should be selling armor-piercing bullets -- you don't need that if you're hunting deer or elk."
But the NRA, the darling of the Republican Right, the most effective lobbying group this nation has ever seen, instead of owning up to its responsibility in being irresponsible added via its Political Director, Chuck Cunningham
. "He likes to blame everyone else for violent crime in New York City," Cunningham said to a crowd of supporters. "He's not after illegal guns. He's after your guns. And that's a real snow job." It’s not about controls, or background checks, nor the moral aptitude in handling a gun, nope not important at all, just the fact that guns make us American.
The Progressives, the Liberals, the Moderates all have their own goals and objectives, purposes and missions and specific agendas, but somehow this newly elected group of Republican/Tea Bag politicians seem to be looking to divide and conquer rather than find consensus. They seem to be happy quoting from a scripture written by people who see God as a tyrant uninterested in difference. They seem to be supportive of allowing individuals to find fault in others for their own problems. And they seem to care less for the individual’s needs and more for their own careers and futures.
And they seem to be in charge of the megaphone, yelling the loudest and making the least amount of sense.
Hasn’t enough of the negative happened already and isn’t it time for the good to take place?
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