Friday, February 4, 2011

no more, NO MORE

"The speed of communications is wondrous to behold. It is also true that speed can multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue." Edward R. Murrow

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful." Edward R. Murrow

Yesterday Glenn Beck delivered one of his many sermons from the mount, wrote upon his chalk board, highlighting conspiracies, Communism, and chaos created by the shadowy world of Obama and his progressive minions. He spoke about a great caliphate dangling in the not too distant future, and how from the Bush’s to Obama a new world order via the rebellion in Egypt is about to claim this Christian democracy called America.

And with the speed of communications his speedy assertions multiplied and his distribution of information as untrue as ever filtered into the laps of folks who want to hate, want to blame and fear for their lives from monsters unknown but ready to pounce upon all of them.

And Mr. Beck is a persuasive man, believed by some as a prophet, deemed to be credible by those who need someone to translate the text of their Testaments, and who devour lies and fable to feed their feeble minds.

"No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices." Edward R. Murrow

Death panels, socialist medicine, Gays will recruit your children, marriage equality will destroy the heterosexual institution of marriage, the President is a Kenyan, Muslim and not an American citizen, any control on guns is unconstitutional and will permit the military to declare martial law.

How often have we heard these comments, never backed up with fact but fused with the fire of innuendo, accusations, and fact-less fancy, and how often have they spread like the dry bush spawning an intense wild fire? How often has a good idea not been permitted to be debated but instead left to be feared by bigots and ignoramuses and placed in a purgatory of spin and nonsense?

How often have we been terrorized into thinking the negative, and all we do is privately dismiss the hooligans but publicly lay still and comatose?

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." Edward R. Murrow

I watched as they carried signs comparing Democrats/Progressives/Poor/Union Members/Children Born in this country of Illegal Immigrants/People of Color/Muslims to Nazi’s/Communists/Socialists/Hitler/Satan and was so mesmerized by my sight I could only sigh and say nothing else. I was so astounded and upset I could not find the wherewithal to go to the Polls and vote those who said such disparaging things out of office. I was sure someone else would take care of this situation. It’s just a phase, we go through so many like this in this Nation no need to worry.

“No one familiar with the history of his country, can deny that congressional committees are useful. It is necessary to investigate before legislating. But the line between investigating and persecuting is a very fine one, and the Junior Senator from Wisconsin has stepped over it repeatedly. His primary achievement has been confusing the public mind as between the internal and the external threats of communism. We must not confuse dissent from disloyalty. We must remember always, that accusation is not proof, and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law.” Edward R. Murrow

Finally, a hero came to the fore in America, (Edward R. Murrow, a journalist) and spoke loud enough, eloquently enough, American enough to say to Senator Eugene McCarthy, what you are doing is wrong, immoral,wrong for America. One man finally decided that bullying, brandishing lies, feeding on fear and paranoia, without any real evidence had to stop. And finally with the strength of Edward R. Murrow’s statements a tidal wave of true patriotism flooded the Senate and washed away the cowardly politicians whose service to America was to service themselves first. And suddenly the question of “...are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party...” ceased and died.

We now have elected a slew of people in America of 2011 whose first order of business is to stop health care for all, remove any restrictions on Financial Institutions, redefine RAPE, complain that same sex marriage is wrong because two men or two women can not produce an unwanted child, and marriage is an institution that permits people to produce wanted and unwanted children. We have welcomed into office people who think being unemployed is something lazy, and unproductive unemployed Americans would rather enjoy, that higher education, public education makes someone an elitist, that our Founding Fathers founded this nation as a Christian nation and the only reason we say there is a division between church and state is because a bunch of Commie Progressives have done so via their liberal agenda.

We now have millions of viewers watching FOX News, where each and every entertainer packs their news hour with lies, untruths, fractions of truths and whenever they are confronted with their misdeeds, act as if those accusers were enemies of God. We have millions of listeners waiting with bated breath for Rush Limbaugh to lambast anyone who might be fighting for the average man’s rights, who might want to develop discourse and debate who has fact to disprove his pack of fable and falsehoods. We now have best selling authors, whose ghost writers throw around inane stereotypes, idiotic conjectures, and rewrite history that we all witnessed but no longer recognize.

We have so many people who want to divide and conquer...find the fringe rather than the center...serve their own selfish needs then supply servitude to the greater good..who find their God as a vengeful, bigoted behemoth who finds difference bad...who would rather look outward for fault and claim no responsibility to their own transgressions.

We have seen the behaviors of this group of paranoid, biased boogie men throughout history, and have read the accounts of civilizations that did nothing to stop them, of people who stood by idly who became sheep to slaughter.

We have also seen the accomplishment of men such as Edward R. Murrow, who said this IS the line in the more, no more!

We must stand strong and loud and shout NO MORE, NO MORE!

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