Tuesday, December 6, 2011

silence equals death

As she rolled her eyes, pushed away, looked like a dear in headlights, Michelle Bachmann was told by a little boy whose mother among other things happens to be Gay, “...my mother doesn’t need to be fixed...” And Michelle Bachmann is still on the road running for President of the U.S. wanting to represent the Republican/Tea Party. No commentary, no response, no nothin’ except a rolling of the eyes a coiling away from the kid and a step back into the bigotry based on nothing but hate and ignorance.

Rick Santorum speaking at a college in Iowa was asked about his anti Gay rhetoric. Visibly shocked and angry Mr. Santorum said if we permit same sex marriage in this country then we would also have to teach that homosexual couples are equal to heterosexual couples. Imagine in the U.S. equality for all, how undemocratic, equality how unAmerican. Imagine this man is still running for President wanting to represent the Republican/Tea Party.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich expounded upon his views on same-sex marriage in September, calling it a “temporary aberration” that will one day go away because it defies convention. When asked about his own form of defying convention by cheating on two wives both ill Mr. (three times is a charm) Gingrich said it was his call to duty that made him divorce and had he not been doing Americas work he would have handled his adultery much better. And this man who thinks same sex marriage is a temporary aberration and infidelity and adultery main stream behavior is not only running for President of the U.S. representing the Republican/Tea Party but in the lead.

State Senator Rep. Phillip Hinkle (R.-IN) was busted looking for gay sex with a young man at a hotel. Shockingly Hinkle was openly anti-gay and opposed Gay marriage. Shockingly, really! Easy target, those damn Gays, the louder you yell the more you think you have convinced those around you that you actually believe in the bull shit you spew. Yet one more Republican/Tea Party politician who finds no difficulty in espousing the Gays as the evil while thinking he/she is a good Christian. Yet one more immoral character charading as a person of God while doing the devils deeds.

So, its the Gays...yep if you need to call upon anyone to make you feel closer to God, make you feel more American, make you feel warm and cozy in your own bigotry, bias and bogus use the Gays. It may have been the blacks but then somehow they got the vote, it may have been the illegals but we need them to do work most Americans would never think of, it may have been the women, but some of them are actually our wives and mothers, it may be the poor but without them we wouldn’t feel rich, so blame the Gays.

I always wonder how really brave people are when that bravery is only based on having a scapegoat. I wonder how much in God’s image those people are when it is always one of Gods creation they are stepping on. I wonder how human those people are when all they can do is insist on inhuman treatment of others. And I wonder how normal, smart, sensitive people whose political leaning is as a Republican can tolerate the cadre of cowards who seem to tarnish anything Republican.

Where are the millions (who know Michelle, Rick, Newt and the many others are homophobes bigots, idiots) telling them to shut up ALREADY. Where?

Shaking your head silently does nothing to stop the hate. A very old and wise statement from the Gay Movement was Silence equals death. Sure as hell does.

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