Friday, January 13, 2012

I don't know...or do I?

I'm not sure why it is considered the 11th commandment to argue that all free markets and Capitalism are not exactly Kosher? I'm not sure when wealthy men and women who have succeeded from free markets and Capitalism have hissy fits when those making minimum wage or less than a six digit salary ask but why not me? I'm not sure why free markets and capitalism must only be for those who love greed and gluttony? I'm not sure why we can't discuss the positives and negatives of free markets and Capitalism without evoking the New Testament or Jesus?

I'm not sure why one of the first things each and every Republican/Tea Party candidate for president says he will do is eliminate 'Obamacare'? I'm not sure why instead of eliminating at least a first attempt at some kind of affordable health care like 'Obamacare', the candidates have not offered anything but a free market response as their form of affordable health care? I'm not sure if we all ready have free market health care and it is too expensive or too restrictive for a large population of Americans anyone would even applaud the Republican/Tea Party candidates in wanting to continue the same old unfair crap? I'm not sure how fair and equal health care is a Progressive ploy to turn America into a den of Socialism?

I'm not sure why Jesus loves Tim Tebow and none of the other quarterbacks he has played against? I'm not sure how Jesus selects certain athletes over others when I thought Jesus was not a betting man? I'm not sure why those who call them selves conservatives with core values believe Jesus has anointed Tim Tebow as his prodigy on the football field? And I wonder how pissed at Jesus these same religious zealots will become if Tebow looses?

I'm not sure why there is so much money going to the SuperPacs buying and selling elections and most Americans are not going crazy over this? I'm not sure why there are millions and millions of dollars to spend on Super Pacs but the same millionaires don't have the same millions to pay a fair share of their taxes? I'm not sure how the activist Supreme Court Justices who voted for Citizens United can pledge allegiance to the flag, sing the national anthem without muttering SUCKER!?

I'm not sure why those who claim to be closer to God than thee, seem to use Gods words as the reason for their hate and bigotry? I'm not sure why God hates Gays or blacks or women who want the right to their reproductive rights or the unemployed, poor or elderly and seems to cozy up to men and women who do nothing but worship racism and homophobia? I'm not sure if it is really God who these uneducated hateful Americans really worship and I am thinking it sounds more like the Devil to me? I'm not sure why those of us who really do know God permit those who DON'T know shit to lay claim to him/her/it at all?

There is just so much I just don't know or understand...and somehow in the last year the list of questions has grown longer and longer? I just don't know!

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