And this man a homophobe, a bigot, a racist is still running for president hoping to gain the good graces from the voters of the Republican/Tea Party. He loves to speak for God, enjoys conjecturing up cock and bull from the pages of some insane Testament he calls a Bible, and he self stimulates over bias and bogus and wraps his own inadequacies in pathetic Orthodoxy Catholic venom that is so vile only evil men could even create it.
And this man is number two in popularity within the Republican/Tea Party voters who salivate at anything anti homosexual, abortion, universal medical coverage, or chastising the poor and the unemployed.
And there is a whole flock of self proclaimed prophets in hate land who encourage this man to speak Gods mind. They love that the God they worship has noting but disdain and disgust for the life they say he created in his own image. This group of malcontents so afraid that in reality their God is weak, fight the crusade to rid the world of their own self described enemies. If you 'ain't' one of us we will do one of two things convert you or kill you. If you 'ain't' understanding God the way we do then we will make sure the life you live is filled with inequality, freedom or rights.
The homosexuals have long been on the list of bad guys and gals for the Republican Party. Anyone, of the Republican Party who has not put his/her foot down and insisted just how wrong or how unfair or how much a lie it is to accuse the Gays of everything from providing the apple in the Garden of Eden to the election of the first black president of this nation is accountable and accused of the same shame and sham Rick Santorum freely espouses.
It seems so easy for the followers of Rick Santorum and those who keep silent regarding his vitriol and venom, to avoid any truth and like cowards they hide behind lies, innuendo and foolish fact. He and they being on the defensive feel secure that by attacking no one will really see the frailties in their own lives. They hope that all their own issues, unhappiness, inabilities and inadequacies will go unnoticed, for if they were discovered all that would be left is a useless, Godless shell.
Among many other qualities in my life I happen to be Gay. I believe in God, America, Family, Friends, Equality, Fair, and Freedom. I will not let the voices of Oppression, Ignorance, Fear, Hate, Bigotry go unchallenged. I would expect from the rest of us who Care, Love, Worship, Pray, Hope that they too will stop the madness of those who say they speak for God but only speak for their own failures to say ENOUGH ALREADY.
If we remain silent, turn away, ignore, we are part of the problem. Time to tell Rick Santorum and his might army of Christian Crusaders God is not on your side!
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