You say you're lookin' for someone
Who's never weak but always strong
To protect you and defend you
Whether you are right or wrong
Someone to open each and every door
But it ain't me, babe
No, no, no, it ain't me, babe
It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe (“It ain’t me babe”, by Bob Dylan)
With the tenacity of a rat about to chew the peanut butter from the tip of a rat trap, with the sinister eyes of a person about to have an exorcism, with the hubris of a heretic caught in his own highlife of hypocrisy Newtie, (holier than thou and maybe holier than God) Gingrich chastised David Gregory for the outright indignity, audacity, and indignation of asking about the comments from Mrs Gingrich Number 2 regarding their now defunct marriage. Newtie called out Mr. Gregory for asking a question so un-presidential hopeful like, so above any respectable gentleman’s required response, so utterly true that to even acknowledge its circumstances might mean acknowledging a certain deviant behavior. And Newtie stood upon the mount in South Carolina before an audience who left their white robes at home with their ropes tar and feathers and lambasted the main stream press for having the pure unadulterated idea that anything that was the truth could even be presented during a Republican/Tea Party primary debate.
Mr. Gingrich was applauded for giving that Yankee shylock moderator a bit of Southern “hey boy you is dealing with the master” talk. The audience many of whom identify as the morals, the values , Evangelical Christian voters, the true conscience of an America on the fringe of finding FOX a bunch of heretics booed the moderator and shouted from the rafters with great glee and delight as Newtie said he could not would not answer this kind of of got you question. This audience of self proclaimed Christian Conservative voters would hear nothing of demeaning a man who cheated on two wives, not while at the same time he profoundly insisted that he hated Gays, Abortion, the Uppity Blacks, Arabs, Unemployed and the Poor. If you hate the right people, almost anyone not like me, then a few affairs of the heart and and open marriage are easily overlooked. If you heart is full of racism, homophobia, Islam-phobia, what are a few infidelities. Makes it easy for a good Evangelical Christian to overlook adultery.
And has been the case with base of the Republican/Tea Party once you hate enough, disregard most minorities as less then, use Gods good name to promote your hate, your name suddenly once again gets lit in neon. And you are a star. And suddenly as if two affairs, an ethics charge as Speaker of the House, being kicked out of office for doing more for your own career then the good of the nation becomes moot. Your angry words toward the main stream press, your bigoted bouquets toward people of color, your rants about no romance for the Gays your vigilance against equal and fair for all Americans makes you famous, THE MAN the base of the Republican/Tea Party admire.
You say you're lookin' for someone
Who'll promise never to part
Someone to close his eyes for you
Someone to close his heart
Someone to die for you and more
But it ain't me, babe
No, no, no, it ain't me, babe
It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe (“It ain’t me babe”, by Bob Dylan)
I could care less if a person wants an open marriage, I could care less if the lady has an affair with a married marries him only to find that the same shit she committed has come her way with yet another woman. I could care less if a man denies he had any responsibility in his own adulterous affair. Usually that is not my business and the only thing I might feel is sadness for the people involved who seemed to be fooled by the definition of love and the definition of matrimony.
But when Newite constantly tells me as a Gay man that I can’t marry, I don’t know how to love and when I do love it is unnatural...and that MY behavior is what is wrecking the Institution of Marriage I suddenly care very much what HE does in his own marriages.
When this man acts and reacts and thinks that all he does is private, but all I do is HIS business, I sure as hell care. When this man insights religious bigots, phonies, hypocrites to smell his shit and call it flowery and sweet and insists that my shit is simply just shit I care. When this man is running for president and his values and morals are corrupt I care.
Shame on the South Carolinians who have not spoken out against this facade of man and shame on the South Carolinians who put hate and bigotry before truth and equality.
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