Dear Mr. Romney: Enough is enough and now all you are and try to represent yourself as, has been an insult to me personally and your indulgence into my life has been more than I can take.
You are a phony, a flip flopper of the highest grade and a flimsy man with the truth,
Now I am of the income bracket where our two social strata will never come to gather and I am sure had I not been a professional in the social services you might even had known me as just another pain in the ass worker needed to be fired so you and your wealthy clan of men could make a profit while ending my ability to earn a living.
You once sounded like a man with common sense and had a passion for the poor the average man or woman. But that was all part of the script written for you while you ran for office in a state with more compassion for the average person and had less hate for the poor. Your flowery language and intent to make life better for those without affordable health care was admirable. Your once concern for women to continue to have control of their reproductive rights was a hefty movement of man keen on justice. And more amazing than that you even had less negative to say about homosexuals and almost made the Gay feel like he or she was a normal American.
But now, Mr. Romney without regard toward your own history, less regard for the rights and freedoms of American citizens, and disregard for anyone not a millionaire, you have changed colors and stripes. You have decided that to get the vote, you must be as evil as the most hateful Christian, as non caring for rights or freedoms as the lover of the Confederacy, and act like a charlatan when it comes to social issues or government social nets to protect anyone from homelessness, unemployment, or issues of health.
And as you deride the poor, the unemployed the minority you smile this obnoxious Cheshire Cat grin looking to the camera hoping the dumb who follow you will believe the rhetoric and never once try to question your reasoning. You chuckle that $350,000 in salary is chump change and you coyly say WHEN you release your income tax returns we will find you at the 15% level but then as you whisper that is because like most American’s your income is not based on salary but income from investment. There is nothing wrong in investing but when you also state as president you want to lower the rate of tax paid for investments sounds to me you are chomping at the bit to lower your taxes even more.
Mr. Romney you also get into this hissy fit when anyone questions how abusive Capitalism can be and how selective it has become during these past 10 years. You never want to discuss how Free Markets might need a bit of a makeover and shy away from any dialogue when many ask why with our current definition of Capitalism/Free Markets it seems the 1%, people like you and your contributors to your Super Pacs seem to benefit from. But then again Mr. Romney you never want to wonder to far from your scripted message as most of us might find out what an empty soul you own.
You have insulted me as a Gay man, you have insulted my daughter who is a woman, you have insulted some personal friends who are unemployed and need any morsel of government support, you have insulted anyone who can not afford health care, and you have given God a bad name by cuddling up to the most bigoted and biased of the so called religious who don’t know God but love to worship the Devil.
So far, Mr. Romney you have had the last laugh in regards to trying to win the nomination for president from the Republican/Tea Party. You sit back as the crazies battle it out to be the non-You, and you somehow seem to find your way to the top. I am not laughing at your lack of soul, lack of conscience, lack of backbone, lack of what it takes to be a true American looking out for the benefit and well being of all Americans. I am sad that in 2012 America has lapsed into the Twilight Zone seeking out a candidate like you whose only goal in life is to be king of the United States.
Enough is enough Mr. Romney you are not a serious man but it is time to take you seriously and worry about the future of this great nation as you creep closer to being president.
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