Thursday, March 1, 2012


When George W. first ran for president, his so called brain, Karl Rove, realized that George W. might not be all that popular so Mr. Rove created a non existent situation called the Gay Agenda. Mr. Rove knew that those who use religion as a cover for their own bias and bigotry, would certainly run to the polls if they assumed the Gay Agenda was going to run rampant in America. So Gay marriage, Gay adoption and at the time Gay military service suddenly became the issue to defeat and if you voted for George W. you would find a man as homophobic as you to place those damn homosexuals on the bottom of the the American rung where they belonged.

Mr. Rove was savvy enough to know that the minions of so called Christian champions of culture (aka we hate anyone not like us), needed a made up reason to vote because many to most of them were too confused by facts and truth and all of that stuff just bored them. Provide them with reason to hate and thus reason to vote.

And now in 2012, the devious minds of those who hate America or at least the 99% of Americans living here, have decided it is time to divide and conquer once again. Now the Gays are still taboo and too tantalizing to ignore, but more importantly are the tarts, the whores, the sluts of this nation those women who use and purchase contraceptives. We now hear the same beckon call that religion will slowly disappear, that God will die, and all morals will turn to blood and our country will become a Communist or Socialist Bastion if women have free access to contraceptives. We are now warned as we were when George W. first ran for office, that if we let THOSE people have equal access to the law God will smite all of us and the end of days will come sooner then the Bible or Pat Robertson suggest.

Once again there is a war on religion. Once again the civil rights of Americans as stated in the Constitution are meaningless because God is the one who is really losing his rights. Once again because those in the Republican/Tea Party world of politics who care less about Democracy for all have come up with a sleazy self serving plan to confuse the uneducated religious bigot to keep their legion of losers in power. Once again instead of handling the priorities of this nation like employment, housing, the social safety net, we talk about a war on religion this time headed by an army of women with the audacity to want control of their own reproductive rights.

The sad thing about all this man made bull shit is that American history has demonstrated it works. History has proven that a lemming attitude is a strong stimulus for stupidity. Keep them scared, keep them dumb, keep them divided and keep reason from ever trumping the rhetoric of religion.

I believe in God. The God I believe in is not afraid of Gays or Women, or Immigrants or Muslims. The God I believe in is so powerful that he is not intimidated by the frailties of humans. How come the God the Republican/Tea Party believe in is such a cowardly, timid bigoted deity? How come he is somehow defeated by Gays loving Gays or Women wanting control of heir own bodies?

If the sane don’t yell STOP the insane will inherit this nation.

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