Saturday, March 3, 2012

what are we waiting for

Now, those REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY politicians who have anointed themselves as God’s spokes people...Those who have appointed themselves as the religious crusaders ignoring their own frailties but keen on the sins of everyone else... Those who selectively read the words from their Bible the ones full of bigotry and bias but choosing to ignore the rest of the passage or verse with love and kindness...Those REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY politicians who insist there is a war on religion but are indeed the foot soldiers for a war against religion...Those individuals who smite the Constitution when it doesn’t fit their own prejudices...Those people are running amok in this great land of ours and are encouraged and motivated by idiots who need an excuse and a hero to hate.

Last week one more right wing Republican/Tea Party politician, crusading for Christ has come forward and identified the next great terrorist to Christianity and the United States-----Single Parents. This state legislator from Wisconsin has a bill in place which would state that Single Parents are child abusers. God, he states, only blesses those families with two parents, two opposite sex parents to be sure. This mad man for God wants Single Parents to be placed on a state record that in fact they are performing child abuse because as Single Parents there are no family values. In normal times we could laugh at this insane and inane jerk, but in America 2012 where the right wing core voter, the lemmings who think without fact just fiction, love this insanity and love to keep their crazies in power.

In Jackson Mississippi a group wanting to hold a march for gay rights was turned down by the REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY mayor via his police chief for a permit to hold the rally. The group purchased the insurance necessary for the march and submitted the appropriate paper work. But when it came time to issue the approval for the march the group was told by the REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY politicians that being Gay in Mississippi is illegal thus not recognized. And if they are not recognized then there is no reason to provide these invisible individuals with a permit to protest. In a state capital in a state of the United States of America, Gays are told they are illegal. A population of people who among everything else in their lives happen to be Gay are told you do not exist. And the locals living in Jackson applauded this decision.

In the United States Senate, the US Senate of all places, the Blunt/Rubio Amendment to permit employers or insurance companies to deny coverage for everything from contraceptives to any and all women’s health issues and this anti woman amendment was only defeated by a 3 vote margin. 48 US Senators voted to deny women the right to their own bodies. 45 REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY Senators along with 3 cowardly DEMOCRAT Senators decided women are too foolish to know what is best for their well being. One of the highest political offices in this nation of ours the US Senate decided that they could better understand the personal and many times difficult choices women make and had the audacity to vote against women and in favor the mean spirited religious zealot full of hypocrisy and hate.

What is happening to this country of ours when phony religious bigotry usurps the rights and freedoms addressed in the Constitution.What is happening to this nation of ours when vile and venomous men like Rush Limbaugh degrade women and only get a chuckle or a slap on the wrist by the men who say if elected they want to represent all of us? What is happening to this Republic of ours when REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY militants decide who deserves protection and who should be scapegoated? What is happening to this place we call home when religious fanatics so far from any God, and so removed from God’s grace control a political party removing any sense or sensibility and replacing it with divisiveness, divide, and derogatory dialogue. Where are the voices of the many who among other things happen to be Single Parents, Gay, Women? And where are voices of those who love Single Parents, Gays and Women?

These unheralded actions are not going away. These lies and deceptive motions are not diminishing. These attacks on American citizens are not stopping.

And sadly there is still a chance that the REPUBLICAN/TEA PARTY candidates running for president, the highest office of power in the world, still have a chance to govern this nation. I don’t understand how those who discriminate against segments of our population still can be considered to run local, state federal governments. I don’t understand why the OUTCRY is not LOUD, ANGRY, INFURIATED. How many more people need to be left out, shunned, ridiculed, and removed?

What are we waiting for?

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