Tuesday, March 27, 2012

so confusing

I still amaze as I find the polling stating there are still a majority of Americans who dislike the Affordable Health Care Act and especially the mandate for all Americans to have coverage. We are told it is Government invasion into our personal liberties, and it is very much a Socialist plot to over ride the free market which makes American the land of Capitalism.

It started a few years ago with the lie about death panels, by the Republican/Tea Party,Christian Conservatives was never truly defended by the Democrats, and flourished into a plot to undermine freedom of choice by talking heads more concerned about the Health Insurance Cartel then the average American citizen who just wanted access to health insurance coverage.

Now we await the opinions of a Supreme Court more politically orientated and less justice bound to either permit the Act to move forward, or die while in the clutches of men and women whose bottom line seems more important then helping to keep all Americans healthy.

I am confused how a mandate for all Americans to have access to health insurance is considered government intrusion of personal choice, but the same politicians and their mouthpieces insist that government intrusion in an exam room, bedrooms is a true blue philosophy straight from our Constitution. I am confused how the who-hah regarding keeping affordable health care for all is louder then the insistence that women no longer have controls over their own sexual and reproductive rights. I am confused at the convenience of the invasion of the government regarding women, is a religious thing and the denial of affordable health care for all God’s children is not a religious thing.

We are preached to by the Republican/Tea Party/Christian Conservatives that life is the divine gift of God and no one should ever dispute that gift or disrupt God’s intentions. And as we are told by the Republican/Tea Party/Christian Conservatives about the sanctity of life, they also refuse to want to spend any money on providing that life a chance to thrive.

The Republican/Tea Party/Christian Conservatives want to cut nutrition programs for women with babies, they want to disband early childhood education, they want larger classrooms with more students, they want to cut unemployment benefits for families, they want to restrict pre-existing medical conditions for families, they want to cut food stamps. And all the same time the Republican/Tea Party, Christian Conservative insist life at conception is holy, life after conception however is no longer their interest.

The Republican/Tea Party, Christian Conservatives say what makes America great is the free market. But the same free market approach to affordable health care has not benefited those who are poor, unemployed, struggling to prioritize, food, rent or health care.The free market has discriminated against the have nots, and have required more tax money to permit those with inadequate health insurance to remain healthy.

I am amazed that something as basic as affordable health care for all citizens of this great nation of ours is being debated in terms rights and freedoms. When those without affordable health care receive few rights and fewer freedoms and must resign to being left to get sick, stay sick or die.

This all so confusing!

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