Friday, March 30, 2012

don't fu@#$%ing get it

I guess I think that right does not equal wrong and good should be the victor over bad. And then I get my fix of current events and wonder just how stupid and naive I must be and then all that comes to mind is I don’t fu@#$%ing get it!

I was not in Sanford Florida when the tragic shooting of Trayvon Martin ensued, and only can assume what might have happened. But I can assume assuredly the following: If some man is driving in a car following me, then comes out of the car approaching me, starts yelling at me, I would do my best to defend myself. And when in the scuffle of defending myself I see he has a gun, pure self preservation would seduce me into trying to grab that gun away from him. If I thought this confluence of a stranger and myself would lead to one of us dying, I would muster up all my adrenaline and courage try and grab that gun, and say “asshole its gonna be me or you!” I have never killed a man nor tried to kill a man,luckily so. But if this stranger is about to kill me offense sure would seem like the best defense.

Mr. Zimmerman placed himself in harms way. Whatever his motives Mr. Zimmerman created a situation in which he was advised to ignore. The consequences of Mr. Zimmerman’s actions left a man dead and now Mr. Zimmerman who is alive wants us all to believe he was purely innocent. I don’t f@#$%ing get it!

Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney have raved and ranted about a hundred different agenda items they would change, correct or delete if either man was elected president.Playing to the so called ‘Christian Conservative” base (I still wonder what is so Christian when all you do is hate) both men have tried to out- bigot, discriminate and debase almost every demographic within this nation with the exception of older white males and the women who love them. One of their continual harangues tries to make both men seem like military hawks and ever ready on the trigger to defend America from at least one of the 15 axels, Iran, in the axis of evil. (And by the way, Mr. Romney was in France during the Viet Nam War doing missionary work from a very expensive chateau, and Mr. Santorum never enlisted in the military to defend America). They both have said we need to take our military might and invade Iran.

Both Mr. Romney and Mr. Santorum have a gaggle of sons and daughters. Not one of Romney’s nor Santorum’s offspring has volunteered for the armed services. Not one of the privileged kids is fighting in Iraq or Afghanistan. When both Romney and Santorum bravely from the confines of a bully pulpit speak of aggression and military action against Iran, neither man then says and to prove just how passionate I am about this intervention my kids will enlist and help bring justice back to America. I don’t fu@#$%ing get it!

The Congress refused to end the $4 billion in tax subsidies oil and natural gas companies receive from the government every year. The bill would have killed several tax breaks taken by the five largest oil companies and use some of the proceeds to extend expiring energy tax provisions, such as tax breaks for renewable energy, electric cars and energy efficient homes. The bill to end corporate subsidies was primarily passed by Republican/Tea Party politicians and a few cowardly Democrats who rely on staying in office from the Oil Lobbyists.The Republican/Tea Party leadership who insist they are balanced budget minded and really a friend of the average American found little problem in defending their wealthy contributors, only offering that somehow this infringement on the ‘free market”, was okay.

So, an industry that has continued to make larger and larger profits, provide the best incomes and benefits for their upper echelon of officers, pays little to any taxes is deemed a charity case by the Republican/tea Party leadership. But the average American who desires a fair shake at home ownership, health care, education, jobs and social security are the enemy and told they are lazy and Un-American. One more time the have’s have paid their way to heaven while the have nots are finding hell. I don’t fu@#$%ing get it!

Why does common sense never make sense?

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