Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ann and mitt

Dear Mr. and Mrs Romney,

I want to take this chance and introduce myself to the two of you. I am among many attributes in my life a Gay man, and from all I have read and witnessed regarding your comments regarding Gay people, it seems you really know very little about me. As a matter of fact there seems to be many more misconceptions parlayed by the two of you about Gay people, like me, so I want to clarify any rumor, lie or innuendo so if in fact you have an open mind I can help you open it a bit more. Oh, yeah and if I may, I would like to call you Ann and Mitt, my name is Gerry. (Wow, look what we have in common already, a first name)!

I am Gay. I pay taxes ( at a higher per cent then the two of you, oh yeah my 2012 tax return is tax dollars stay in the United States not in the Cayman Islands, but I would like to visit) I work (I am 62 and sometimes worry that all those years of paying benefits may not buy me many years of retirement, how much does 20 million dollars get you in benefits) I raised two kids (you trump me with 5, but my wife and I realized that raising more then 2 would be difficult to support as a middle class household), I both have sex and make love (like you two I only make love to the one person who makes me happy) I make charitable contributions (now I don’t give to NOM like you do... because well heck I am Gay and they are homophobic, pretending God told them to be haters) I have a dog his name is Harley he is 15 years old (but I suppose you can call me old fashioned whenever we travel he is inside the car and not on top).

There is my introduction, and reading it over it seems we are similar in most of what defines us.

Now to be fair, Ann and Mitt, I am Jewish (I know the Mormons like to convert Jews who have died, so please make note when I die I want to remain Jewish) and know very little about the Church of Latter Day Saints. So I only have some preconceived ideas about your religion just as I assume you both have preconceived notions about Gay people. (And you know what they say about assume...makes and ass out of you and me), so I have a bunch of questions.

You two are the most high profile individuals of the Church of Latter Day Saints I know so my questions are based on witnessing your behaviors, your comments, and your actions, SO PLEASE correct me if I am wrong. (I am sure you have seen video on FOX News regarding those pesky Gays during Gay the fair balanced spin they place on their news shows.)

Mitt, is lying about the truth, twisting the facts, omitting honesty a Mormon thing? You have been caught manipulating the truth and when caught respond in a very arrogant manner and say (even though it is either on video or audio, I never said that). As a Mormon, Mitt, are you taught to flip, flop, flip at an early stage? Are you taught in your Temple that acting as a chameleon to let the people think you agree with them is a sign of God like behavior (or do you just like to please yourself and get a kick out of patronizing everyone else?) Mitt, in the Book of Mormon are there passages that state poor people are less worthy, less equal? (It seems in all your speeches you say there are safety nets for the poor and then talk about how you plan on cutting those safety nets, you even called Moms on welfare lazy because among all the insane things they wanted was to stay home and raise their kids). And Ann are females in the Mormon Church permitted to make choices, think for themselves, act on their own behalf and not on the commands of the male church elders? (It seems you were silent on women’s rights to their own bodies, sexuality and health care. And you were nowhere to be seen or heard when your husband, Mitt called stay at home Moms on welfare lazy. You stayed at home, do the male elders of the Church of Latter Day Saints think you are lazy?)

I know how much you want to be president Mitt, why you and Ann even told Diane Sawyer in an interview it was your turn to move into the White House. (Is there a sign up sheet for that, cause I want my turn).

I am sure there are more questions Mitt and Ann but lets start with these. I am available to answer any questions you may have about the Gays, but I am sure you have easy access to those answers in you Book of Mormon.

Mitt if you are president will Gays, minorities, the poor be separate but equal or equal. And Ann, if you are first lady will you still be considered a stay at home Mom?

I am Gay and you are not, you are Mormon and I am not...but aren’t the three of us Americans living under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Constitution?

I look forward to your reply!


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