Wednesday, April 25, 2012

let them eat beans

Everyman Sean Hannity was absolutely flabbergasted on his radio show yesterday when a caller dared to suggest that Mitt Romney's wealth made him unrelatable. "When was the last time he went to bed, or woke up, hungry?" the communist asked. Choosing to take the comment very literally, Hannity argued that poverty and hunger are not linked; even the poorest Americans, he argued, have freezers, televisions, and DVDs. "They just don't have the best and the latest," he said. "I never went to bed hungry in my life, ever." (New York News and Features)
So, I first screamed, second I laughed and then third I began to worry. Sean Hannity is an ego maniac blowhard paid big bucks for eliciting hate and loathing. He has and will say whatever is necessary to keep the divide wide and in the real world he might be considered an idiot comic but not in the world of the United States of America in 2012. He is in fact a very successful scare monger relying on the bias, bigotry and bogus of individuals who would rather face a lie then embrace the truth. And as has been the success of the Right Wing Conservative “talking heads”, Sean Hannity is able to make a statement throw in meaningless innuendo and without any hesitation the fiction becomes the fact.
So once again, as has been the plot and ploy of the very smart (but dishonest), the victims are the bully and the bully is innocent. If you say you are hungry don’t buy expensive appliances or the latest gadgets make sure you don’t confuse poverty with hunger and by the way both are your creations thus your fault.
Then Hannity added: I don't believe people are going to bed hungry. ... For, instance I have friends of mine who eat rice and beans all the time. Beans protein, rice. Inexpensive. You can make a big pot of this for a week for negligible amounts of money and you can feed your whole family.
Look, you should have vegetables and fruit in there as well, but if you need to survive you can survive off it. It's not ideal but you could get some cheap meat and throw in there as well for protein. There are ways to live really, really cheaply. (New York News and Features)
I cringed, yelled, moaned and then got really sick. Now there was a menu  recipe for everyone to eat as if they all had money. Now there was a cure for the so called disease of hunger and poverty. Now all we needed was beans and rice and great pot to cook them in. Don’t want beans and rice then you can claim you are hungry but you would be a liar who is just too choosy as to what you eat. Hannity who earns $10 million a year and his buddies chow down to beans and rice so what is wrong with eating like millionaires? 
This country has a horrible habit of never wanting to solve problems but rather blame someone for the problem. This country has a horrible habit of creating we vs they with no plan to ever create an all of us. This country has a horrible habit of saying but seldom doing.
If it was just Sean Hannity trying to generate ratings for his hour of propaganda his statement about ‘...letting them eat beans... similar to letting them eat cake... I could look the other way be sarcastic to the idiocy of the thought and just laugh it off. But in America 2012 the lemming lost in his/her own distress is seeking any excuse for their failures but themselves. In America 2012 as long as the fingers are pointed away from self to some anonymous other and the fingers lay claim they did this to me, the lemming feels empowered. In America 2012 there are those who have little backbone or conscience and they worship at the heels of false prophets who love to keep the dumb dumber.
When Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Riley, Sarah Palin speak too many people ready to hate listen. When these entertainers make loose and useless statements millions of mindless Americans absorb the words. When liars lie and the lie fits the need to find fault the eager to deny are already calling names. 
This latest of harangues is not so spontaneous but a deep rooted plan to lead the lemming to the cliff and have them shatter their heads. Let them eat beans...

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