Saturday, April 14, 2012

like brunch

Independents. Yep Am-eerie-ca has a new group of voters. Suddenly the Independents are the key demographic to selecting the next man to become President of these here United States of Am-eerie-ca. They are like the word brunch in a way, as Homer Simpson of the “The Simpson’s” likes to say, “...its not quite breakfast and its not quite lunch, its brunch...” but it is still a meal nonetheless. The Independents are not quite Repubs and not quite Dems, but Indies, are still voters we are told.

Now these Indies need to vet the presidential candidates even closer and with more intelligence we are told. They are Indies because, well because they are not quite Repubs or not quite Dems. They are suddenly bestowed with wisdom and insight too shallow for the Dem voter or too lacking in the Rep voter. These Indies can see deeper into the souls of Am-eerie-can politicians and won’t be fooled by any silly party affiliation. No they will cut to the chase, they will slice the core, they will decipher the code and get to the heart of the matter.

But somehow a majority of these Indies don’t seem to be bothered with lack of freedoms bandied about by the Republicans. These Indies don’t seem to think denying the LGBT community the right to marry, adopt children is of special concern. These Indies don’t seem to think infringement of a woman’s right to use contraceptives, seek an abortion, use the health services of Planned Parenthood is a problem. These Indies somehow overlook the Am-eerie-can Constitution stating a strong separation between Church and State kind of scary. Nope they are Indies and somehow being an Indie means equality, freedom and choice for fellow Am-eerie-cans are not strong enough issues to stop being an Indie.

We are told that none of that touchy-feely thing like equality or freedom is on the minds of Indies. Nope it is Jobs, the Economy, Jobs, the Economy silly that is what makes these Indies, well an Indie. All those social issues are secondary. So if women are treated like chattel, Gays like a second race, poor as being invisible, the elderly as losers, and people of color as uppities a true Indie will say those are party line issues, I am an Indie because my vote goes beyond all of that petty shit.Petty Shit????!!!!

I don’t get it! Equal rights, civil rights is being tested in this nation and one political party, (The Republican/Tea Party) is doing everything in its political power to move Am-eerie-ca back to a time of segregation and the Indies are not bothered? One party (The Republican/Tea Party) favors separate but equal and the Indies are not moved by this? So, we have a better economy but a two tier system of Am-eerie-can population, the Royalty and the Serf, and that is okay?

I am glad we have this group of people who are trying to make a difference in the political cesspool that is Am-eerie-can politics, but before you pretend that both parties are useless and meaningless, look closer at how each party treats all Am-eerie-cans. Look closer at the respect, the equality, the inclusion or lack of.

Living the good life is only good when all people have a fair share at living it. Independence is the right to live a life filled with choice, not the denial of.

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