Friday, April 6, 2012


Once again the calendar tells us it is time to celebrate

a renewal,

a birth of freedom, justice,

the hope of harmony and


We can approach this season politely,

celebrate the holiday with the same old razzamatazz

participate with some enthusiasm, enough to enjoy but not really



We can recite the stories, find the lessons, apply the old with the new

and embrace the days ahead with the energy driven from the past permitting us to perceive the future in colors and hues never ever imagined.

Lessons of strength, moments of passion, symbols of triumph should never go

unheeded, unheralded

but embraced as one step toward our happiness

keeping us complete.

It is Passover and for some, time to set a direction toward freedom and equality.

It is Easter and for some, time to provide all with grace and glory.

It is Spring and for some, time to learn how from the darkness is light, from dormant is life.

And for some, it is the season for all to remember the worth of new beginnings.

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