We are lectured to by the leadership from within the Republican/Tea Party that gratification and success are bred from less government involvement in our lives and more effort as individuals to “pull ourselves up from our own bootstraps.”
The less government regulation of course is for a cleaner environment, less rules and regulations regarding the banking and finance complexes, no intervention on matters of health insurance and absolutely no infringement on the so called job creators who for the last 8 years did little to create the jobs. All of this lack of involvement by government is a standard bearer assisting with the bottom lines of the corporations and the wealthy, with a false premise of the trickle down effect. If history can be believed just review it.
The Republicans/Tea Party-ers of course create a line in the sand for government involvement however when it comes to the personal lives of Americans. The freedom to marry, the freedom of control of your own body, the freedom for fair wages, the freedom to worship or not to worship as you please are intimidating and defined as cracks in sustaining the Constitution. In cases of human dignity the Republican/Tea Party feel an overwhelming desire to dictate your decision.
We are told that all of us, at least all of us without an earned income of $1million a year must sacrifice, and that sacrifice is a cleanser of souls, and a disinfectant of a lazy loser life. We are told that self esteem can only come to fruition when you suffer. Being given medicaid, food stamps, retirement benefits, scholarships for college, unemployment benefits weakens the backbone and most importantly causes an ugly cancer called Un-American. Don’t be envious of the wealthy, be just like them. “Pull yourself up from your own bootstraps!”
But I wonder how we even consider buying those bootstraps when most of them are made overseas? How do we have time to try on those bootstraps when our days are filled with seeking employment? How could we even afford those bootstraps when first we must pay the rent, purchase food, try and keep our families healthy? And after the indulgence by the 1% are there any bootstraps that fit even available?
I am amazed how gullible some Americans seem to be, thinking that the wealthy donors supporting the Republican/Tea Party candidates, who also are wealthy have any intention to provide any of us with bootstraps. (That is unless we must pay to lease them while using them.) I am disappointed how biased, bigoted and stupid some Americans are to permit their hate for minorities and women to sway their decisions. How they will vote against their own good based on hate for others. ( No one will get to wear bootstraps) I am saddened that somehow welfare for all is usurped by welfare for me first.
We are lectured to by the Republican/Tea Party that sacrifice is good, but not necessarily sacrifice for all. We are now being told by the Republican/Tea Party that suffering causes character. We are being told by the Republican/Tea Party don’t hate us because we are rich, but don’t give us more reason to hate you because you are poor.
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