The Los Angeles celebration of Gay Pride is about two weeks away. West Hollywood is sprucing up for the Festival and Parade. The rainbow flags are being flown on their respective poles. And plenty of banners are ready to flow in the breeze.
I was walking down Santa Monica Boulevard, the main street in West Hollywood, and passed one of the clothing stores and smack dab in the middle of the window was a banner proclaiming I WAS BORN THIS WAY.
And like one of those ah-hah moments, those you were just smacked in the brain with knowledge moments, those now I realize this, moments, I stopped stared at the banner and said I WAS born this way! I said it loudly out loud too loud I suppose as an older women passed by and said “ bet sweet heart and so was I!”
Earlier today, I was reading some news headlines and happened upon a sad story coming from North Carolina in which the local KKK was announcing a white’s only welcome rally. The group felt powerful enough to flex its muscle now that the state of North Carolina has placed a segregated amendment on its constitution banning homosexual North Carolinians from marrying. The rally is to keep anyone not white from enjoying any constitutional rights as the racist leaders stated, just as God had intended. And in the name of God, Parishioners at North Carolina's Providence Road Baptist Church have come to the defense of Pastor Charles L. Worley, days after video footage of him delivering a viciously homophobic sermon went viral in the blogosphere. Some of the Christian comments espoused by the Christian men and women in that congregation went like this: The Bible says they are worthy of death. He only preaches the word...God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Adds member Stacey Pritchard: "Sometimes you’ve got to be scared straight. He is trying to save those people from going to hell." (Huff Post)
And then I realized all of those people, the Klansmen, the Pastor, the Parishioners who hated the Gay or the non white were NOT BORN THAT WAY. But, that somehow, during their maligned, meaningless, moron lives decided to BECOME THAT WAY; you know racist, homophobic, negative and full of blame toward others for their own failures. I realized being BORN THAT WAY is being born of innocence a natural set of circumstances. Being BORN THAT WAY is what God intended. But NOT BORN THAT WAY choosing to BE THAT WAY is an intentional malignancy, full of dangerous and delusional chemicals always set to explode and implode your soul. It is not from God, but taught by mere mortals.
I am Gay it took me 37 years to realize that all the hesitation, doubt, and denial was a useless waste of years. I am Gay and was from inception and as much as I had wished differently for far too long, it would be thank goodness to no avail. Damn, I was BORN THAT WAY...hurrah!
Those who wear white robes and white masks, those who praise Jesus for all he hates, those who fear their vulnerabilities while chastising anyone else’s successes, those who leaned hate and bigotry from their parents, or their churches or their family and friends were not BORN THAT WAY, but learned how to to BE THAT WAY. The work of the Devil I tell you!
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