I have had it as too many people who say they believe in God, are religious, promote the love of a higher power remain silent as too many others misalign, misrepresent, misinterpret some kind of God more interested in punishment then love. When churches receiving tax exemption play politics. When destroying lives, as so many pedophile priests have done, is ignored or dismissed by the Pope, while building families via same-sex marriage or adoption is terrorized by the Catholic leadership.
I have had it when I hear people insist this election is just about the economy or jobs, when human rights, civil rights, basic rights are being destroyed and denied. When other then dealing with the economy state legislatures delve into who I marry, how I have sex, how I tend to my own body. When government is too big to require you to pay a fair share in taxes, but not big enough to invade your home. When MY interpretation of God is the only legitimate interpretation, and oh yeah when the Bible somehow trumps the Constitution.
I have had it when Gay bashing is part of a political strategy, to influence the haters to continue their unabated homophobia. I have had it when winning a primary is based on how many people you can make the enemy. When those who are a bigot get all bent out of shape because you are calling them on their shit. When fighting for Constitutional rights is referred to as a divergent or deterrent from the real issues. I have had it when civil rights are not the REAL issues.
I have had when the silence from the educated, informed, fair minded is so deafening in response to the hurricane winds howling from those who love to lie for God, use God as a scapegoat. I have had with the torments and tirades from false prophets sitting in the Capital or standing at their pulpits who spew poison:
Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church in Maiden, N.C., condemns President Obama's much publicized endorsement of same-sex marriage while calling for gays and lesbians to be put in an electrified pen and ultimately killed off.
"Build a great, big, large fence -- 150 or 100 mile long -- put all the lesbians in there," Worley suggests. He continues: "Do the same thing for the queers and the homosexuals and have that fence electrified so they can't get out...and you know what, in a few years, they'll die out...do you know why? They can't reproduce!"
The pastor's comments seem in line with statements made by Ron Baity, founding pastor of Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem and head of the anti-marriage equality organization Return America, who told his own congregation that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people should be prosecuted as they were historically and Pastor Sean Harris of the Berean Baptist Church in Fayetteville who advocated parents should “punch” their male child if he is effeminate and "crack that wrist" if he is limp-wristed. (Huff Post)
I have had when I am being prosecuted, insulted, threatened by groups of people who don’t know me, have no idea who I am and think their God somehow loves the hate they vomit. I have had it that there is NOT a greater hue and cry from ALL Americans who do believe in fair, freedom and equality. I have had it trying to turn the other cheek, live and let live, letting the division between church and state die. I have it when we permit heretics to think they and only they have God’s ear.
I would hope and wish that anyone who has a son, daughter, brother, sister, mother, father, best friend who is Gay that they HAVE HAD IT also; with the ranting, ridicule, religion gone bad, and those claiming to be religious gone worse.
Haven’t we permitted hate to linger a day too long?
1 comment :
30 days in jail, community service, not a hate crime,
I'm in tears for Tyler Clemente and his family again. What is this world about. This is prejudice. This is a hate crime. This is bullying. I'm sick. I have had it!
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