“Never be invisible, once you allow people to not notice you; you have given them permission to overlook you, to ignore you and to hate you. When people say you don’t exist, because you have not made your presence known, they have no reason to ever acknowledge you or the fine things you have done”. And even if you think you are visible but those around you look the other way stare them right in the face, most cowards do not like confrontation”. (Howard Buncher circa 1967)
Amendment One North Carolina: On May 8, 2012, North Carolinians will be asked to vote on an amendment to the state constitution that would make marriage between a man and woman “the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized” in the state
I watched the news today as a young woman (22ish) pregnant, with her fourth child, without any emotion but a Bible in her hand spoke in a monotone voice saying that all she was doing was saving true marriage in North Carolina from being tarnished. Without looking at the anchor or the other guest in favor of same sex marriage, she said she was tired of Un-American activists trying to destroy her marriage, and the future marriage of her three kids, the oldest who might have been 5. And not permitting the other person from speaking, the woman said in the same monotone voice, sometimes God’s work is all you need.
Once again Gay is taking the forefront in the politics of this great nation and religion is trumping democracy and the Constitution. Once again Gays are to be invisible, dismissed, ignored. Once again The Gay is the culprit for loving Jesus less, loving your spouse less, and your own inability to maintain a good marriage.
I watched as a group of Baptist preachers spoke to a crowd outside one of their churches explaining to the news correspondent that, they (the Baptist preachers) knew exactly what the fore-fathers had in their Christian hearts and minds when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. They were all God fearing men, and they respected their Lord and Savior, and even though you can’t find the words same-sex marriage in any documents, the fore fathers STILL did not want that evil activity to become law. And then one smarmy preacher more full of vile and brimstone said that perhaps the reporter asking these inane questions needed to face his God to set him right.
Once again, the failures of Christians in this country is not due to their own inability to make decisions and pay the consequences, to own up to their responsibilities, but to blame the Devil in disguise, the GAY for having more power and preying upon the innocent God loving man and women.
I watch as once again a ballot measure making the Gay the villain, the instigator of everything wrong, the destructor of every Christian, INVISIBLE is being voted upon. I watch as a majority is ready to demean, void, invalidate anything Gay and hopefully keep us INVISIBLE. I watch as religion takes precedent, religion based on fear, loathing and lies, equality is shunned as Un-American, and innuendo is held to be true, to keep the Gay INVISIBLE.
I am here, I am an American and I am Gay; and I want the same rights as every other hypocrite, blasphemous, ignorant, bigoted white Christian receives. I want to live in a country that embraces religious freedom but does not tolerate religious fear. I am not INVISIBLE.
And for those in North Carolina, who didn’t vote NO on Amendment ONE, for those who stayed home because it is only a Gay issue, for those who place the faulty interpretation of their Bible over the simple stated facts of equal and free of the Constitution, I will not go away. And for those who are Gay, or love someone who is Gay, or know someone who is Gay get off your asses if you haven’t and say you also are not INVISIBLE.
And if this passes you who are female, or poor, or a minority, do you think the crusaders for Christ will not come after you? ENOUGH!
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