Tuesday, October 1, 2013


If you watch FOX News because you are sure shootin’ it is fair and balanced, believe that Pat Robertson actually has direct access to Jesus, bemoan the fact that a Kenyan is President of the US then there is no real crisis, in your mind during a Government shut down. If you think that Rush Limbaugh is as common of a man as you, that Sarah Palin’s intelligence is something you strive for, that corporations are people with emotions then the circus show created by the Tea Party /Republicans is certainly entertaining as hell and a pleasant concept. If you believe that the Founding Fathers didn’t mean Christian people when they said a divide between church and state. that blacks are too uppity when they usurp even a little bit of self respect, that science is the devils tool to fool the unbeliever then at midnight when the the foundations of this nation began to collapse you will open a Bud and cheer.

If you are agin’ that gosh darned socialist affordable health care law because you lost your freedom to die a sad death, lost your freedom to linger in pain and suffering,lost your freedom to either by pass prescriptions because they are too expensive or avoid your visits to the emergency room then you are rooting for the Tea Party/Republicans to stop the ACA and replace it with absolutely nothing else. If you relish the fact that government is too big except in your bedroom or doctors office, rely on the Family Research Council to explain good from bad, know that the second amendment was established to keep communists and the UN out of our lives then watching as the dysfunction created by the Tea Party/Republicans is pure delight.

But if you think the stupid are way too dumb to govern this nation, the misinformed way too dangerous to establish laws, the bigoted and biased poised to diminish democracy, then you do have a whole hell of a lot to worry about. If you however remain silent as men like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Glenn Beck and women like Michelle Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Ann Coulter shout loud and clear about hate and injustice you are a fool. If you ring your hands insisting they are all a bunch of idiots and continue to ring your hands you are awaiting a big fat pie in your face that actually may stop you from breathing. If you pretend that the actions of men and women who think this is a white Christian nation, ruled by the heterosexual male, using an abridged version of the New Testament as the Constitution, treating anyone deemed different as the enemy don’t matter, be real careful of what might just come next; because you may never ever be able to think the way you want again. Not scared, really?

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