A horse is a horse of course of course a horse is a horse of course, except if that horse is the famous Mr Ed. Those are the the lyrics of the theme song for a 60’s TV show called Mr Ed. Mr Ed was a talking horse and of course he was a horse, except he wasn’t just a horse because he talked. If you looked at Mr Ed, petted Mr Ed or rode Mr Ed you would of course think he was a horse; until he opened his mouth and said hello. Then you might question the entire premise of what is a horse anyway!
First the shut down of government was all about no Obamacare, this nation was not going to go all Socialist rogue just to ensure that the those Americans uninsured could get affordable health insurance. Nope nothing more UnAmerican then affordable life, liberty and a pursuit of some happiness. Washington, Jefferson, Regan and Jesus all the Founding Fathers of this nation would turn over in their graves if they even thought a land of freedom would try to find equality in insurance rates and coverage. Then the shutdown of government was about respect. The Tea Party/Republicans got all pouty and moody that no one appreciated their treasonous acts and were now being disrespected and dissed. Damn that Kenyan black man for insisting that threats, blackmail, and insanity not be tolerated to lead this government. Now once again for the first time the word Entitlements has crept into the jargon of dissent and suddenly the shutdown is all about too many poor people getting food assistance, too many old people trying to survive on social security and too many young children requiring decent education. Entitlement for the lower class is taboo, but entitlement in the form of tax breaks, corporations as people, and businesses not paying higher wages for their employees is manna from Heaven.
The shutdown is no longer focused on stopping Obamacare (still embers of hot ash burning), but is also about PR numbers for terrorists voted into office by undemocratic gerrymandering of districts. (The more they trash the US government the more American they appear for the Fox News lemmings). It is also now about debt, the kind that can only be found when you feed, educate, care for other Americans less fortunate then you. (It is also about the care and feeding of Corporations/CEO’s and the 2% which is never considered a debt). A shutdown is a shut down of course of course except when that shutdown suddenly is more about ego, politics,and revenge and not at all about anything reasonable. Mr Ed was a horse of course, but then he wasn’t! A shutdown is a shutdown of course of course except when it isn’t anything but a ruse for manipulation and fear.
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