“If lovin’ you is wrong I don’t want to be right”, so the song goes. How could something so possibly right be considered so damn wrong? And in America it seems the both in politics and religion what should be so right often times is deemed as so wrong.
Jesus, for many an Evangelical Christian, is a member of the NRA, frowns upon any government intervention to assist the poor and has little temperament for keeping the planet his father created healthy and clean. If you love Jesus, according to the Evangelicals with the microphone to God, you hate minorities, the unemployed, women who dare to have a brain and insist they did not originate from Adam’s rib, and of course the homo who even though most of his parents were straight is a descendent from the Devil. Jesus must have said heal they self because the Evangelicals would rather burn the government to the ground then permit affordable health for the masses. Since Jesus did not mention the Affordable Care Act in the New Testament he was darn sure again it! So staying healthy and affording that health care are certainly not God’s will. If loving Jesus that way is so right I would rather be so wrong.
For the hard core Tea Party/Republican a fair wage, equality in hiring, living, loving is nothing more than a form of Fascism. For the hard core Tea Party/Republican if in an election the other candidate won, then that election is nothing but a fraud and all we have is a democratically elected dictator. For the hard core Tea Party/Republican if old people need assistance in their retirement, all Americans should at least have adequate health care, poor kids need nutrition, the unemployed some financial assistance then this nation is becoming a socialist haven and will soon turn into a Communist state. For the hard core Tea Party/Republican democracy is not one person one vote, the pursuit of happiness is just for people like me and freedom never has a place in either the bedroom or doctors office. If in the eyes of the Tea Party/Republicans loving an America which denies equality, freedom of choice, a fair chance for is so right, I would damn rather be so wrong. If with the Tea Party/Republicans it is patriotic to hate and demonstrate then I would rather not be called a patriot.
If in America the voices of Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, the Koch Brothers are the sounds of what is right I would rather be wrong. if in America the rich should never pay their fair share of taxes, corporations are people, pollution is just the cost of successful Capitalism is so right I would rather be wrong. If in America the divide between church and state does not mean the Evangelical Christian, the Confederacy was never an enemy of the state, unlimited bribery of PACS and lobbyists are right I would rather be wrong. It seems to me that in America of 2013 there is an awful lot of wrong that is assumed to be right. We all know what happens when we assume!
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