Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christian soldiers

It apparently is the Chrisitan way to spew hateful rhetoric upon others but never be apologetic for saying hateful things in the first place. It is the Christian way to carry guns, use assault weapons stand your ground never once looking the other person in eye and asking why all these guns are so necessary. It supposedly is the Christian way to stop women from deciding on their own pregnancies, but very un God like to find assistance for the children born into poverty, abuse or rape. So say the adoring fans of a duck grandpa, a reality show semi term governor, a radio entertainer using fake prescriptions for pain killers.

It was very Christian to insist that women not be given the right to vote, interracial couples never permitted to marry, Negros being equal to whites. It was mandated that a Christian God should be against same sex marriages, children born in the US of undocumented individuals becoming citizens, seniors having enough retirement income to live out their life in a decent and human manner. It was fire and brimstone so un Christ like for workers to receive a minimum wage or fair affordable or universal health care. It was a sin against God by the likes of a billionaire business man running for president, a three time married dejected Speaker of the House, a Canadian born Senator whose father recites only hateful passages from a selected Bible.

God’s soldiers now insist that gun rights trump human rights. Gods crusaders want freedom of religion but cannot understand that freedom from religious is anything but blasphemy. God’s army believe he was white and only those of the same skin color matter. God’s monsters want nothing of an entire Bible but selected passages and pieces transformed into bias and bigotry. The word of God for self proclaimed Christian Conservative/Evangelicals has nothing to do with piety or purpose, but instead are purposely said to divide and conquer. We are told to fear the Muslim Jihadists but in fact are witnessing a Christian war fought by men and women pretending to drape themselves in red, white and blue and of course false prophets and prophecies. 

How much longer do we laugh at the reality stars who think their popularity permits them to hate aloud? How much longer do we snicker at the tea party fanatics whose intelligence is only based in falsehoods and bias? How much longer do we think we are safe from the politicians who say Jesus has spoken to them in a dream urging them to run for office while demeaning, destroying lives of anyone not like them? How much longer will it take until the witch trials of Salem become common place once again? The days of are you now or have you have been a member of the Communist party are shouted out? Signs for whites only are hanging on doorways? The days when in God we trust is replaced with in OUR GOD is the only one we trust? When does it become time to stop laughing at the fools and actually reclaim an America where all of us have access to the pursuit of happiness? I do worry, this is my country and more and more I recognize it less.

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