Monday, January 13, 2014

war, what is it good for

“War, what is it good for…absolutely nothing” Edwin Starr. The Tea-publicans love starting wars. Ask Bill O’Reilly every Christmas time when he has a book to hawk. Or Sarah Palin never one to stop her ghost writers from forging forward in battle joining not so ‘fair and balanced’ Bill O in this year’s skirmish saving Christmas from the anti-Christ’s. Nancy Reagan under the spell of her Tarot card reader told hubby Ronnie to declare war on drugs insisting on her mantra of ‘just say no’. President Cheney, oops I mean Vice President Cheney had Bush by the balls and told him to declare war in Iraq. Money had to be made for Halliburton and Georgie was too confused about his job description anyway. After 911 Bush/Cheney pronounced a war on terror and made certain that ALL Americans were terrified. Declaring war by Tea-publicans is a big business.  

Little sassy Florida Senator Marco Rubio, the guy who was supposed to be the last great white hope, for the Tea-publicans (you know the freshman Senator who was going to be the voice of Tea-publican Hispanics but flip flopped so hard on immigration he made Mitt Romney look like he never lied) is pissed at President Obama. Ex defense Secretary Robert Gates (who felt that money came before country) wrote a tell all book about how badly Obama hated the Tea-publican created war in Afghanistan. When Tea-publicans start a war they expect full participation by EVERYONE. So little Marco so far out of the spotlight dying for attention derided the President as an enabler for the Taliban. Yep, even though one of the most important promises made was to end the war in Afghanistan and as Commander in Chief this president followed through with it, Mr. Gates and Senator Rubio were pissed that more American and Afghani lives were not murdered or maimed. It’s our war, you could almost hear Marco Rubio saying as he stared into the camera with his usual deer in the headlight look, and you have no right to end it.

However, if the Democrats declare war, well, forget it, the Tea-publicans will have nothing to do with it. It has been 50 years since President Johnson announced a war on poverty. Too many poor people in this nation with inadequate food, health care and housing. The Federal Government, according to President Johnson had the responsibility to maintain at least a common standard of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ALL of its citizens. But nooooo, say this selfish, self-serving crop of Tea-publican politician marionettes whose strings are pulled by even more selfish, self-serving billionaires. Helping the poor just keeps them in poverty. If they are true Christian Americans (in the US, according to the Tea-publicans you are first a Christian then an American) the poor will understand that being unemployed, being hungry, being sick is their own fault and something Jesus and his cohorts who wrote the Constitution would frown upon with a very heavy forehead. This war on poverty, so declare the Tea-publicans is just one more way the Democrats have used to manipulate votes. This war on poverty has nothing at all to do with living a good life. 

“War, what is it good for…” For the current crop of Tea-publicans it is good for distractions to fight for real change. It is good for instilling fear and falsehoods. It is good for dividing a nation so that the dumb remain dumber and anyone with even a moment of clarity becomes fogged out. I just wonder how many more victims have to suffer until more Americans become ready to fight back against the Tea-publicans and wage a final war for our freedoms?

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