Monday, January 27, 2014

my oh my

Last night on the Grammy’s a bunch of people stood across from one another and with a simple sentence of “I do”, took the love of their life and married. A big deal for some, anUnAmerican/UnChristian deal for others, a slap in the face of morals and values for some and a sigh and Pa-leeze for others. Heterosexual, homosexual couples placed rings on the fingers of their partners and embraced the Institution of Marriage. Once they said “I do” kissed their beloved wiped the tears of joy from their eyes and paraded off into the Grammy Lobby the Earth continued to rotate, the Moon stayed in the sky, the haters continued to spew insecure epitaphs, some heterosexual men and women resumed their adulterous affairs, some heterosexual couples continued their emotional and physical arguments and displeasures, some heterosexual couples made love and most everyone else went to sleep.

Last night on the Grammy’s a step forward in recognizing equality and justice was filtered in between pop/rap/rock/dance music. The music continued to play, the celebrities continued to gawk and pose and position themselves, the paparazzi photographed the glitter and glam. Last night while this was happening at the Grammy’s  somewhere in a small town perhaps sitting in his or her closet watching the TV a young Gay boy or young Lesbian girl could actually breathe in deeply and feel they were not alone. Last night during the briefest of moments love was highlighted dressed as heterosexuals and homosexuals. For some it immediately called for Tweets of disgust, derogatory name calling, a need to take back America from the gang of Gays and Liberals. For some it was just watching in amazement as the tears of joy dripped from their eyes, lumps of happiness choked their throats, causing comments of finally and thank goodness.

Last night at the Grammy’s couples were married. For some this was petty, pretty, peculiar, unpopular. For some it was an affront to God, an attempt to hoodwink the children, the recipe for  the start of the End Days. For some it was about time, past due, an expression of fair and balanced. Last night at the Grammy’s couples wed and in reality the only lives changed were the people who decided  that saying “I do” even if you insist “I don’t” is not important. It was Sunday when the some same-sex-couples wed and guess what inspire of that Monday still happened. My oh my!

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