When I was a student teacher, I took a Child Development course which addressed the issue of identifying kids who have difficulty in telling the truth.I was working with children in Kindergarten to Grade 3 and this development course addressed issues of responsibility, remorse and recognition of actions and reactions. I read case studies about complete denial of involvement to the ever popular response of he/she made me do it. The goal of this developmental course was to prevent a dishonest behavior early on in a child’s educational experience, and help students to understand the positive and negative consequences of their actions. We were told that preventing kids from lying in their younger lives would certainly create healthier adults. We were told that learning to be responsible for all you say and do makes being an adult easier. We were told that truth usually sets you free.
Bridge-gate, as it is being bandied about, is on every news show and on most headlines of any medium covering the news. If you listen to the propagandists at FOX noise you will be told that Governor Christie is an innocent victim, being bullied by a too feminized society. Britt Hume the head cheerleader for denial lectured the viewing public that no likes a muscular masculine politician any longer and that Christie was just acting like a man. Britt Hume of course never addressed the actions of the governor just his reactions. Christie couldn’t lie because was just being a man doing muscular manly things. The Governor himself is overwrought with embarrassment for the actions of his closest thugs(I mean staff members), and angry enough about THEIR actions yo fire a few of them. I didn’t know or do or act upon anyone with vengeance or reciprocity, says the Governor, I am as pissed as the public. No ownership, no responsibility, no acceptance, just cover ups and inaction.
Listen to the dance arounds by the Tea-publican henchmen who are hired to avert the truth and just present the problem with fingers always pointed in another direction. Rudy Giuliani said that its not about lane closures but about the amount of time Chis Christi spent denying his involvement (unlike Obama addressing Benghazi). Karl Rove ever at the ready to disguise truth from the public insisted that had Obama stood in front of reporters regarding the IRS, he would be considers a hero, just as Governor Christie is to the people of New Jersey. Reince Priebus, with his ever phony grin told newscasters that the Governor of New Jersey spent 120 minutes calling out his crew of misfits, if only the President would have spent 120 second talking about Benghazi or the IRS. Not Giuliani, Rove, Preibus or Christie himself spoke about Governors responsibility in this fiasco but each man accused others, deflected about others and continued the lies.
In the past decade in the politics of America we have been told that lying is okay, the truth is irrelevant, ownership of actions a pain in the ass. In the past decade of American politics we have discovered that blame is good to place on others, honesty a matter of interpretation and arrogance a better way to communicate. In the past decade in American politics we have discovered a mantra from a Jefferson Airplane song ‘Somebody To Love’ “…when the truth is found to be lies…” has nothing to with love but whole lot to with loathing.
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