Dear Bristol Palin,
Please take some time and reflect upon your own mother before thou criticize Wendy Davis the state senator from Texas running for Governor as to the kind of mother she was or is. I know you like to spew venom as if you were as dangerous an asp as you consider your own mother to be; but Bristol please take a look at your own life before you cast aspersions on others. Then take a look at your life, again, Bristol and reflect upon the decisions you made with the support of your own mother or in some cases the disregard your own mother presented you.
Your mom Sarah, insisted that you not have sex before marriage. She talked at you pretending that she actually knew the first thing about sexual relationships; never really talking to you. If she even had the ability to communicate in a loving understanding manner perhaps you would have heeded her advice and not schtooped Levi the father of your out of wedlock child. Perhaps had Sarah taken a real moments interest in your life instead of trying to appeal to the minions of religious hypocrites pretending she actually gave a shit about your choices, you might have stopped your lustful immature behavior and used a condom. Your mom loves the limelight, is always lose with lies and seems to never own up her own mistakes. In your irresponsible and reprehensible response to Wendy Davis I would say you certainly have become your mother. Sarah loves to insight without considering the consequences and you now love to place blame without ever looking at yourself in the mirror first.
And then Bristol there you were chosen to be the spokesperson for an abstinence only national group, never setting the example for abstinence but you felt guilt free in accepting that role. Did you learn to ignore facts or purpose from your mom? Add to that Bristol that your demand for a salary which superseded the actual budget of this abstinence only group placing greed and self service above honor and honest showcases either a mother who cares less about morals and values or a daughter just selfish.
Wendy Davis’s life story has a few quirks and adjustments but for you to criticize her skills and direction as a mother is insulting and ignorant. You are the the daughter of a woman who caress little for truth, will fabricate any fact to fit her fancy, would rather exclude than include. You have demonstrated your own selfish and greedy behavior pretending that any other cause but your own satisfaction matters. You may have the bastions of bigots bubbling with joy, the raucous racists at your beckon call and the self proclaimed crusaders for Christ fooled, but Bristol anyone with a brain a heart a soul sees you for the shameful sham you have become…thanks to your mother.
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