“When truth is replaced by silence,the silence is a lie.” ― Yevgeny Yevtushenko
South Carolina’s House Ways and Means Committee voted 20-1 on Thursday in favor of a 2014-15 budget that cuts funding from two colleges in the state, as punishment for assigning LGBT-themed books as required reading for freshmen;the books, "Fun Home" by Alison Bechdel, a bestselling memoir detailing the lesbian author’s relationship with her father, who she later learned is also gay. And, “Out Loud: The Best of Rainbow Radio,” a collection of stories from South Carolina’s first gay and lesbian radio show, in a required course for all freshmen. The Tea-Publicans sighting Christianity before citizenship are angry that perhaps in the Christian nation known as South Carolina there is an undermining of wholesome and normal. These theocrats posing as American politicians don’t want any discussion of the possibilities of educating South Carolinians on anything else but the selected passages of the New Testament chosen to discriminate and alienate. It’s not just about the word of God anymore but the words of folk acting like God.
“All these people talk so eloquently about getting back to good old-fashioned values. Well, as an old poop I can remember back to when we had those old-fashioned values, and I say let's get back to the good old-fashioned First Amendment of the good old-fashioned Constitution of the United States -- and to hell with the censors! Give me knowledge or give me death!” ― Kurt Vonnegut
The Republican-controlled Arizona state Senate voted along party lines Wednesday to pass Senate Bill 1062, a measure that would allow businesses to reject service to any customer based on the owners’ religious beliefs. In a twisted yet useful self serving manner the author of the bill said "This bill is not about allowing discrimination," "This bill is about preventing discrimination against people who are clearly living out their faith.” The United States constitution founded in which no state run religion, no particular religious beliefs no punishment for any or all of its citizens to find freedom from religion persecution is not of importance to the Tea-Publicans in the nation state of Arizona, nope for these Crusaders/Jihadists freedom to deny, divide is the greater good. For these theocrats discrimination is a determination as to just how American you can be.
“If God was so insignificant as to fear anyone expressing themselves, with truth, honesty and dignity then why would anyone want to believe in something so frail and fearful who acts so human? - Howard Buncher
So now in the various nation states of the once United States inclusion is no longer important. Freedom of religion is begging for attention and freedom from religion is an unnecessary torment. Those who either say God has spoken to them, God was a General in the Revolutionary War, or God carries a concealed weapon find that their God is afraid of most humans. Their God (and lets be real the God of Evangelical/ Southern Baptist’s) is like the Wicked Witch when it comes to water; the more gays love, women have control of their bodies, people of color gain responsibility or poor people are at least given boots by which to pull themselves up he melts and becomes insignificant. The All Mighty Savior needs saving from Gays, Women Blacks, Browns and the Poor. Day by day by day the Tea-Publican Crusaders of anything but Democracy are denying life, liberty and the pursuit of freedom crying that all of these dirty deeds are being done to save God, not America. “Be afraid, but more so be aware and wary and worry as none of the machinations of the so called virtuous are anything more then vitriol and venom.”-Gerry Buncher
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