In the South back in the day, it was quite common for men wearing hoods and some just wearing the arrogance of a Bible in their hands to hang a Negro from a near by tree because the Negro either looked lecherously at a white woman or was assumed to have had intercourse with her. Mostly in the dark of night these lynchings took place, but often times with the right kind of bribes and of course a preacher’s accusations that it was God’s will the hangings took place in the bright light of a Sunday. When asked why and how these atrocities took place the answer was simple, it was about religious liberties. Simply said good Evangelical Christians read their Bible placing those selected words above the forgotten words of the Constitution.Somewhere in some concocted passage God said Negros were less then whites and thus their life less important. For these Crusaders of Christ religious liberties were paramount to civil liberties and of course America was founded to regard freedom of religion above freedom from religion.
Gary the owner of Gary’s Chicaros a restaurant in Oklahoma has decided it is his Christian religious liberty to serve who he wants and who he doesn’t want. He hates everyone who is not a white, straight Christian — and he even hates some of those! If you own your own business you are free to stop by, but if you are black, gay, disabled, on welfare, on food stamps, or otherwise inferior in the eyes of the proprietor you just have to go! Coming to his aid and support are the regular religious liberties clan like Focus on the Family, American Values and Family Research Council. It seems Gary and a large majority of his patrons find it less disturbing to ignore Democratic and Constitutional liberties when religious liberties are at stake. God’s words, as interpreted by those who say God speaks to them on a regular basis, seems to carry more weight then the words of the Founding Fathers of this nation.
Bobby Jindal (the I am sure this time I will be running for president) Governor of Louisiana recently came to the aid of Hobby Lobby a business which does not like women purchasing contraceptives or even considering abortions and is not a supporter of the Affordable health care Act.“Hobby Lobby is nothing less than an all-American success story … They’ve committed to honor the Lord by being generous employers,” Jindal argued “None of this matters to the Obama administration. … The Obama administration’s argument ignores these beliefs and treats them as little more than an inconvenience to its ever-expanding regulatory state.” The prospective presidential candidate, forgetting his reading of the Constitution providing for freedom from religion, prefers the reading of the New testament and its insistence that freedom of religion reigns supreme.
The newest argument from those who either say God speaks to them, that the Founding Fathers founded a Christian only nation, that the Lord, not any Lord but their Savior Jesus Christ who prefers guns, hates assertive females, detests people of color and who of course spits on the homosexuals is that the only liberty that counts in this nation is religious liberties. Equality, choice, fair or just are not priorities for this newest brand of Crusaders and in their path of holy war plan to eliminate anything that seems the norm of a democratic nation. Not worried, this is just a phase get ready for the first American pogrom coming to your town.
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