Utah attorneys seeking to overturn a federal court decision that struck down a state ban on gay marriage have argued in appeals papers that prohibiting same-sex unions is crucial to safeguarding the best interests of children. The court brief argued that risks to children from same-sex marriage include the emotional toll of growing up without a father or mother because their parents would be of the same gender. It also suggested birthrates in Utah might decline due to adults opting for same-sex unions instead of procreating. (Huffington Post)
Dressed in a white robe one for your heterosexual wife and of course you the heterosexual male, with the letters KKK emblazoned on your sheet as you prance around with pitchforks and nooses in your hands surely is a perfect way to raise your children. Having your heterosexual wife pretend she is Eva Braun while you with that slight mustache and combed to the side haircut wearing the SS insignia is a delightful addition to your heterosexual parenting. Shouting to your heterosexual children and their heterosexual offspring that God hates Fags is always the exact dialogue to use in creating a safe place for the children. Insisting that God will not love your children if in fact they find themselves loving others of the same-sex is truly a healthy representation of family values.
Deciding that marriage is cool but raising a family is not if you are of the opposite sexes is never an issue in the decline of the institution of marriage. Being an abusive father or mother, a cheating spouse demonstrating for your children that honesty and love matter little is somehow overlooked and accepted as perfectly perfect if you happen to be a heterosexual. Finding little time to actually raise your offspring instead working 80 hours, or sending little John or Mary to prep or boarding school, or hiring the nanny because you are just too busy with your own life seems to never endanger the quality of life if you are straight. Having a dozen kids and relying on the oldest to handle the chores of raising the youngest is just Gods command and seldom ever is problem in being a committed parent if you are a heterosexual.
The risk for any child is the lack of love, trust, emotion by one mom or two moms, one dad or two dads. The projection of your own phobias foibles, biases and bigotries is the common thread in undermining the safeguards in raising children. Having kids because society insists you do even when you don’t is the real fear providing an empty, depressing household environment. Lying about your own inability to accept others not like you is where the void lies toward the best interests of children. The politicians from the state of Utah are homophobes plain and simple. Heterosexual or homosexual if you lack true intent to provide health, hope and harmony to your kids then none of you have any God given right to be a parent. Hate is so ugly, not God given nor very American. The state of Utah whose foundation began with families having one father and a dozen mothers needs to look inward before casting anymore stones outward to the rest of their citizens. Hypocrisy is a nasty stain that never goes away.
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