Here is what happens when dumb people pretend to be smart or try to either play God, claim God has spoken to them or act as pious and pompous as one of those birds that fly around a hippopotamus to catch the drool or poop falling from the hippo’s mouth or asshole.. You get a Tea-Publican band of jihadists trying to overturn the US Constitution in preference for selected passages of a Bible of their choosing, Pat Robertson describing in greater detail then most Gay men do homosexual sex or Bill O’Reilly claiming the Girl Scouts are just a bunch of Lesbians. You get men running for the governor of Texas, siding with a self proclaimed country singing child molester who calls the president a mongrel. You get Ted Cruz pontificating that once Adam says I do to Steve all Biblical truths will be demolished avoiding the fact that the truth about the US Constitution states clearly all people are created equally. You get once jailed ‘Dancing with the Stars’ alum and creator of all thing gerrymander Tom DeLay standing upon a soap box saying Jesus in fact did write the Constitution.
Here is what happens when the scared really really scared folk of this nation afraid of their own failures, who have learned foul lessons of bigotry from mama and papa as they sat around the Confederate flag, decide that the nastier the puppet of the corporations is, the closer to God he must be thus the better politician to elect.. You get Sarah Palin peeved that the Bible is being ignored in regards to promoting Gay rights but ignoring the portion of the same Bible she swears to ignoring that her daughter Bristol be stoned for carrying a bastard child. You get Mike Huckabee in the lead to run for president from the Tea-Publican party as he demeans any American who is female, of color, poor and of course a homosexual. You get FOX news lying about the victims of Obamacare over and over again never once finding a single American whose life has changed for the worse since acquiring health care.
Here is what the outcome looks like when fear, hate, theocracy demagoguery, hypocrisy become the norm for one political party paid for by the 1% of wealthy people who find that corporations are people but sometimes even more important.. You get cut backs in voting times, restrictive voter ID laws, southern states destroying unions, the re-instatement of the Confederate Flag as a staple of their states motto, unemployed left with no income, no homes and of course even less jobs, stand your ground laws but only if you are white. You get income inequality, work place discrimination of wages if you are a female, abolishment of health providers for ALL of women’s needs, and a group of politicians who never ever have to worry about not getting elected because they come from a district that has been hacked highjacked and formed into a bastion of dim witted, lemming like polling places based on either the Spanish Inquisition or any Fascist country found though out history.
Most of us are not blind, deaf or dumb to ignore the charades of politics taking place in 2014, but many of us prefer to look the other way insisting this is just a phase or saying that the dumb are really not that smart to pull off a revolution. What has happened is just the opposite, in fact the dumb are making the rules, regulations and removing most of the wonders that made this nation great. Pretty soon we just may be saying here is what happened how the Hell did it happen!
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