And there you go describing yourself as a right to life, family first, Gods will, creationist believing, American Patriot, Constitutional loving, Bible reading Baptist, Evangelical Conservative Christian, tri-corner hat wearing Tea Party affiliated Republican, all proud to carry your gun to Church or the Little League Field, Amerikan! You brag about Jesus writing the Declaration Of Independence and swear religious freedom has nothing to with freedom from religion but the power of a certain type of religion (most forms of Evangelical/Baptist/Presbyterian) to act as Lord and master of the politics of this nation. You are at the ready to deny Gays and Lesbians any of the rights and equality as you posses and do so based on chapters and verses from your particular Bible ignoring any references to the US Constitution. Your love for God precludes your understanding of women having any choice regarding their reproductive rights, equal pay for equal work insisting that President Christ never considered females to be anything but a piece of male rib as he wrote the the Constitution. Your disdain for people of color is found in your misguided translation of how God had created the differing colors of skin to mark his approval of those superior (the whites to those inferior (the browns, tans or blacks.) You know fully well that the Civil War was lost by the wrong team and that God has been punishing this nation ever since the disruption of separate drinking fountains/neighborhoods/public schools/ and that removal of something so Christian American as slavery.
You gerrymander voting districts so your kind of American can abolish abortion, restrict any kind of contraceptives, eliminate public schools for Christian private charter schools, deny long term unemployment payments, slash nutrition vouchers and food stamp assistance but stand upon your church’s soapboxes, with the New Testament in one hand and the self-serving sermons of Preachers/Pastors/Ministers in the other hand insisting that life is precious, but ain’t no tax dollar out of your pocket or for that matter anyone of those heathens wallets to pay for it. You call the poor, lazy even as you NEVER once create bills to create jobs. You call the unemployed a culture of misfits who will never earn their way even as you NEVER stop the income gap from widening. You call the elderly takers, thieves of a sort who only want to luxuriate with their $250 a month social security even though you NEVER try to find how much it does cost to provide dignity before death.
You shout about Jesus being aboard the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria sailing with Columbus proclaiming this a Christian nation yet support corporate polluters and their billionaire CEO’s who act as your puppet masters as they frack, drill baby drill, and chemicalize the crops. You find droughts, flooding, damaging winter freezes as just routine climate inclinations worries for the Liberals who don’t know Gods plan, yet ignore the raping, pillaging, destruction of living creations you say he created done so selfishly and self servingly by so called good Christians. You carry the Flag as you cut back days for voting/demand all kind of paper work to support an unsupportable complaint of voter fraud. You say God did bless America but unless those wanting to become citizens of this nation look like you act like you pray like you and of course hate like you God ain’t blessing their chances in America.
You scare me, the politicians who have little need for fact and truth. You scare me the politicians who think that Christian Jihad is a good kind of war. You scare me the politicians who feed on fear, gorge on erroneous suggestion, devour fair and equal replacing them with Lobbyist money, dark money hypocrisy and hyperbole. You scare me tremendously but I am even more afraid by the lemming/the bigot/ the racist/ the ignorant/ the homophobe/the religious demigods/ the misogynist/ the stupid who actually permit you to be politicians. And I am even more frightened by those who know you are nothing but buffoons/bully’s/losers who remain silent thinking you are a joke a court jester a blip and will someday go away. I am afraid of those who let you ruin this nation as if your destruction and disregard never ever mattered. What has happened to America?
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