To the so called Tea-Publican/Christian Conservative/ FOX watching/Limbaugh listening/Palin gun totting mama bears/the South shall rise again citizens of the a Untied States not so united:
I am Gay: Do I keep you stronger when you try and make me weak? Do I intimidate your God when you insist that I am Godless? Do I deter your love for your spouse when I mutter the words I do? Do I deplete your ability to become a great parent when all you want is for me to be childless? Do I tear at the fibers of your family values when all you wish is to diminish mine? Do I make you more Patriotic while you try and strip away my Democracy?
I am a Woman: Do I eviscerate your testosterone every time I ask for equal pay? Do I make your penis hard whenever you describe me in terms of whore,slut,bitch? Do I shrivel your testicles as I insist that I am as capable of being the boss as you are? Do I make you sterile as I understand my own body seeking contraceptives or perhaps an abortion? Do I excite you as you watch me making love to another woman on film but disgust you as I privately lay next to the woman I love? Do I emasculate you as I play as hard, rough, professionally and sincerely as you?
I am of Color: Do I break your genetic code wiping away any traces of white DNA as I move in your neighborhood, work in your office, sit next to you on the bus, share a swing set at the play ground? Do I deny you access to the voting booth as I ask to extend election hours, increase polling places in my neighborhood, seek people with tan, brown, black skin to represent me? Do I worry you as I demand a fair share of the pie while all you do is think the apple pie belongs to you? Do I secretly steal your customs and cultures as I celebrate my own beauty, brightness and boldness? Do I ask too much when all I ask for is what you have taken from me?
I am Poor: Do I limit the amount of food you serve for your three meals a day, the dollars you pay for your mortgage, how many vacations you enjoy when all I seek is sustainable nutrition? Do I incite drug dealers to help me get high instead of insisting that I have adequate food and shelter as you indulge in recreational drugs? Do I lower the value of your home as I find shelter on the streets? Do I emit a contagious virus as I pass you by on the street making you susceptible to poverty? Do I amplify your animosity because as much as you wish I would be invisible you can still see me?
I am an American: Do I want more then you or just the same? Do I seek freedoms or restrictions which demand I remain silent, suffocated and insufficient? Do I ask for more then I want while you refuse to give me what is mine? Do I forget my pursuit of happiness because me being Gay, a Woman, of Color or Poor makes you uncomfortable? Is it my American dream that makes you act less and less like an American?
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