Oh no not Senator Lindsey Graham. So it seems the senator from South Carolina is being bullied a bit by a primary rival and being accuse of being an ambiguous closeted gay man. Of course until all homosexuals have the exact same rights as heterosexuals, just the inference that you might be gay is kind of sort of like a plague on your house. Just the mere mention that you might be gay can send shivers down your spine and the dire need to deny any sort of sense to that gossip. In the minds of the bigot you could run for office if you are a rapist, murderer, philander, but even the mere mention of homosexuality well then forget your political ambitions.
Oh no not Senator Lindsey Graham. He can’t be gay because he has no soul, no sense of fair play, the inability to find the common good and is way too at home receiving the benefits from financial benefactors then doing the will of the people. He can’t be gay because he thinks poor people are lazy, uninsured people should find the money for medical coverage or die, a black man cannot be president and that money for the military is more important then dollars for the elderly, education and the unemployed.
Oh no not Senator Lindsey Graham. Don’t send shock waves to the voters of South Carolina who think they have elected a bachelor to the senate who is just waiting for the right babe to marry. Don’t infuriate the hard core believers in South Carolina who insist that both the Constitution and the Bible were written by the hand of Jesus the same Jesus who carried a gun, hated the poor, whorish women, the sick, people of color and of course queers and who spoke of Lindsey Graham as being a senator. Don’t confuse the South Carolinians who know the difference between a man’s man the normal kind of man and the girlish kind of man, the un-normal kind. Lindsey Graham an ambiguous closeted gay man, how un-South Carolinian, un-American, unbelievable!
Oh no not Senator Lindsey Graham. Imagine how embarrassed the state of South Carolina would feel if they realized for the past 22 years they had elected to office a homosexual man. Imagine how disgusted people would feel to know that the pork barrel projects, the kickbacks, the play for pay they received was handed to them by a homosexual. Imagine how untenable it would be to say you lived in a state where your senator your senior senator a man who replaced Strom Thurmond the truest and most American of senators was gay. Not only would you be sick to your stomach but poor old Strom would turn over in his grave. Oh no not Senator Lindsey Graham. But looking at things closely enough maybe so, yep maybe so!
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