“I’m not ready to make nice, I’m not ready to back down, I’m as mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round”, ‘I’m Not Ready To Make Nice’ Dixie Chicks
“It’s a funny kind of sore winner in the Gay rights movement that would say, ‘A photographer doesn’t want to photograph my wedding- -I’ve got lots of other photographers I could go to, but I’m going to use the hammer of government to force them to do this.’…It’s not neighborly and its not nice. The Gay movement is winning. They should be, as I say, not sore winners.” (A homophobic Republican chatter box,living in his Ivory Tower, George Will)
When the North won the Civil War and some Negros actually discovered freedoms and justice trying to find their place in this new American society, many Whites from the South and those in other parts of this nation still uncomfortable with the Negro’s place at the table became a bit distraught. The Negro had always been on the lower rung of society in America and to witness this minority now asking for the same choices and chances as Whites was frightening. Many who did not want to be considered racist, but hated the idea of the Negro being anything but subservient would often times refer to the Negro as being Uppity! Wanting the same paying job, a place at the counter, a decent home, a fair education just like the Whites (who certainly deserved all of that because this was their homeland) made the Negro/Colored/Black person a selfish ingrate unappreciative of all the struggles the White man had to bare just to end slavery. Uppity described the Colored as setting expectations that were never his/hers to receive, and demonstrated a real lack of Americana because democracy was never meant for all citizens of this nation, just those who deserved it; and by all means it was the Whites who should decide that fate and not the blacks. The Civil War was won now what the hell do you want?
Heterosexual men like George Will at the ready to write principles and policy, sitting on a throne above the fray of every day existence, hidden in some mid century palace surrounded by a moat of meaningless dribble and diatribe has no Earthly idea of the true definition of democracy. In George Will’s world winning is not achieving the gold ring it is being satisfied with the bronze or silver coated bling. Mr Will pontificates about the worth of this nation but insists that some of us are really too worthless to be considered an equal. Heterosexual men like George Will, fear homosexuals and define themselves as something other worldly. Be happy with a crumb Mr Will states at least a crumb keeps you from starving. Why eat the whole cake, you might not know what to do with a full stomach anyway. For Mr Will’s imaginary United States separate but equal is as good as it should get for people he considers less then or in more graphic terms Uppity!
To Mr Will, and all of your Christian Conservative Tea-Publicans bought and paid for by the 1% or lectured to by the likes of Pat Robertson, Raphael Cruz, Sarah Palin FOX News, you are a cowardly bunch of Treasonists afraid of the Constitution and the true meaning of democracy. I don’t eat crumbs when I want a full meal, I don’t find the cup half empty when it can be completely full, and I expect the same rights and privileges, laws and lay of the land as you would. Mr Will you are willfully full of shit. “I’m not ready to make nice, I’m not ready to back down…EVER!
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