So let me understand this, the T-Publicans are assumed by the minions of pollsters and paid to act as political prophets as to maintain their control of the House of Representatives and even take the majority control of the Senate. So let me understand this, men and women who still deny that marriage equality is fair, who believe that females should stay at home and have the babies their husbands tell them to have, who consider less time to vote, voter ID Laws to be the democratic experience, who want to continue paying for wars but not for education, who are not scientists when it comes to the environment but are doctors when it comes to women’s bodies and of course Ebola; this same group of people who love to act as puppets for the billionaires who buy their votes actually have a chance to govern this nation as a majority for the next two years? So let me understand this, for those millions of Americans who simply hate that a black man is the president of the US will end up spiting themselves and vote in as the majority the T-Publicans? So let me understand this, those millions of Americans who believe the lies of FOX NEWS, herald Sarah Palin as intelligent, believe that Jesus really speaks to Mike Huckabee, Pat Robertson, and Raphael Cruz (Ted Cruz’s delusional father) will decide the fate of this nations policies for the next two years?
Let me get this straight, Two T-Publicans running for Senate from Colorado and Iowa who have initiated a personhood amendment claiming that the instant the egg meets sperm full citizenship shall be attained in which that fetus can then attain legal counsel have a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican running for Senate from Iowa who believes in nullification and her Second Amendment rights to shoot on sight any Federal agent who wants to enroll people in Obamacare has a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publicans who firmly believe that Ebola is caused by Mexicans crossing the boarder making their way to Alaska and New Hampshire have a chance to sit in the Senate! Two T-Publican from Georgia and North Carolina who believe the true American way is to outsource jobs overseas, get a tax write off in doing so has a chance to sit in the Senate! One T-Publican from Kentucky who insists that women’s salaries never ever have to be equal to men’s paychecks has a chance to sit in the Senate! Let me get this straight those T-Publicans all who despise women, immigrants, the rights of the average American actually have a chance to become Senators?
So, let me understand just how democracy works in this nation of ours. As long as you use Jesus’s name in how you legislate…as long as you accept dark dirty money for your campaigns…as long as you insist that the poor are lazy…as long as you find bigotry, racism, homophobia, xenophobia as content for your stump speeches…as long as you appeal to the fears and loathing of the lowest common denominator of the population you have a chance to excel in the politics of the United States! What I don’t understand is how, when and why this has happened? Politics 2014 style are scarier then any Halloween ever!
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