Donald Trump is an empty vessel who still manages to find various ports of call from which he sells his incendiary cargo. He is the captain of his own ship and he understands the distress calls from men and women who believe it is the other guy who has made life miserable, so he sails up to the next port creates images of racism and bigotry is hailed a hero then heads toward the next self victimizing fool. If you ask him to repeat what he just said, he will honestly look you in the eye and mumble, “I said nothing, that hadn’t already been spoken.” Donald Trump is not scary for his in-depth lack of ability to understand a problem but is frightening because he knows exactly how to make a problem worse. His remedy is to place more poison ivy on the skin providing one to scratch even harder causing blisters and open sores. He is genius at marketing to those who rely on here-say, shies away from anyone who begins to question motive or reason, and prefers to be in the lobby after he has locked the theater doors behind as he screams “FIRE.” Like a tornado Donald Trump swirls into a neighborhood, breaks, destroys, huff and puffs then leaves the scene, leaving behind him a madness of mayhem. He will never be asked to be responsible for his activities as most news entertainers care more about their ratings then they do seeking the truth. We should fear Donald Trump not because how dumb he is, but just how savvy he has become in avoiding owning up to destruction he deliberately as created. Donald Trump represents our current pop culture where everything is immediate (no time to reason), everything is a sound byte, better to attract the viewers, everything never requires fact, just opinion, and everything is shiny with bling. Donald is listened to because he said better, bigger, more and most. He is never questioned how or why. Donald Trump is an empty vessel and thrives on those around him who thrive on emptiness.
Another vessel truly empty but running on inflated ego and lots of chameleons is little Marco Rubio who thinks because he says so he will become president. Little Marco had spoke to the press saying he regrets possibly embarrassing his children for his remarks regarding Donald Trump’s schlong, and Trumps ability to wet his pants. Like most current Republican’s Marco took no direct responsibility for his toilet mouth but said, that Donald Trump had pushed him and needed to be bullied back. I amaze at this empty vessel who thinks that talking about the size of Donald’s penis (and reflecting on his own penis by doing so,) wants to apologize for his behavior for ALL of that, while not really recognizing ALL the other things Rubio said, which if you raised your kids with morals and ethics and that good ole’ religion should really make them angry. Rubio has no remorse in letting his kids hear about how inferior the LGBT community is, how women are not mature enough to ever understand their own reproductive systems and of course how todays immigrants are so much different then Rubio’s, grandparent and parents. This vessel is floating on vapors and an ego which will soon implode sinking the ship.
One really HUGE useless vessel, empty, ignorant, aloof, and full of lies is the national Republican Committee. They like to pretend they are a floating armada, using race, bias and bigotry to steam their engines. It seems however with this years Republican selections for president, the RNC has run amok, and has fallen prey to some icebergs they had seeded in the first place. Listen closely how no one from the RNC comments on Donald Trumps lack of use of free speech at his rally’s. Watch how all the RNC candidates speak about awe and they and how no one from the RNC says being inclusive is correct. The RNC vessel thought they could roll with the waves but have been grounded by their own captains. Truly, if the RNC wanted to stop Trump or Cruz they could. They could by using the same dirty, lying tactics they put in place regarding Benghazi, Hilary’s emails,Planned Parenthood and of course Obama-Care. This ship does not mind being tossed around because somehow they believe it will eventually find its way to shore. maybe the shores of Hell.