We sigh and simmer, we are perplexed and pissed, we are beyond belief and act as we have no clue; and still more racism, bigotry, are exercised and freedoms reduced as we permit Trump to pander to the most angry, simple minded, uneducated members of our population. Suddenly the media is a bit skeptical regarding the Trump campaign but not wary enough to prohibit him to call in, call a faux news conference, really challenge him on any thing of substance. Trump is a savvy master of mind games and he is a sophisticated marketer of slime, because his slime is always made bigger, better and most. He brings in the ratings and for the most part most so called news outlets prefer the bottom line to the real truth. The media’s motto seems to be make up the news cause its better.
The GOP acting like innocent victims is not sure of Donald Trump, they are trying their best to derail him, but listen closely hoe no one of any authority in the GOP has really called him out for his fascist anti-free speech approach at his rallies. Listen clearly how angry the GOP pretend to be when the Klansmen support him but never really take to the airwaves to tell all of America what kind of racists this hate group. And when the GOP complains about the mere chance that there is bigotry seeping like a virus from the Trump campaign, they still consider anti homosexual laws to be hunky dory. The pay close attention to how NOT one candidate running for president from the republican party has found the backbone to say I WILL NOT SUPPORT TRUMP if he wins the nomination. Hardly any elected Republican political has said out loud even thought I am a republican, I CAN NOT OR WILL NOT back Donald Trump’s candidacy.
Donald Trump may go away (not in a quiet manner by any means), but his virus will remain. Do we really think his followers will be happy with anyone else, even the villainous Ted Cruz. Trump has the villagers armed and ready, he has his storm troopers eager to fight, he has misinformed those already without a clue as to the meaning of democracy. Most of us know all of this, and yet Trump’s march to the sea continues. We wonder often times what does the United States do with the files of chemical weapons it develops or the kind of contagious it creates. We assume they are kept in a safe place, but what if just one Patriot working for the government decides they don’t like the way thing are run and become spiteful. We must wonder the same thing about the weapons Donald Trump has cultivated and created. What happens next?