The GOP held another Infomercial on Thursday, this time in Michigan. The Salesmen on stage this time around included a Senator whose professional claim to fame is his ability to shut down the government and conveniently blame on someone else when it backfires. His personal claim is that his and dad and his wife are visited by Jesus Christ and Jesus has told dad and wife that Ted Cruz, is a prophet and will show the face of God to America. There was another Senator whose professional claim is being Numero Uno as the Senator who has not shown up to work more days than another Senator and who also ranks number one is missing important committee meetings never really casting a vote. His personal claim is story telling. Marco Rubio likes to tell the story of how his family had to flee Cuba because of that evil man named Fidel. The true story however is the the Cruz family left Cuba while Fidel was still living in Mexico, and the Cruz family came to America like most immigrants wanting a better life. Then there was a Governor whose professional claim is to shut down those pesky Planned Parenthood Clinics. His personal claim is that housewives love him, why they actually left their kitchens, some even with their aprons on them, to vote for him. John Katich loves himself the women but only those who stay at hime and cook. And the final salesman was a dude who claims his professional achievement is being the best, better, most best-us business man ever. All you have to do is take his word. he needs to tax returns to prove this just look at the shiny building with the name TRUMP on them. His personal claim of best-us is marrying three women, boggling his daughter, and how swell his genitals work. He also likes to set fires in theaters, then as he exits locking the door behind him he shouts “Fire”.
If you have seen an Infomercial you know that even with the best of conmen “hucking” their wares you need a phony audience. Most of the Infomercial audience members usually have some kind of affinity with the “huckster” who is talking about the flim/flam or they are individuals who know how to smile brightly, boo on cue, nod their heads in disbelief, laugh at just the right time and always seemed amazed at the brilliance of the salesman. The Infomercial audience did not let down expectations. They hated President Obama, sneered at the name of Hilary, agreed that it was only the presidents fault that Congress has done nothing, and of course had their tomatoes and cream pies at the ready to throw at the perceived creep of the moment. A perfect production of a very imperfect evening.
There was a GOP Informercial last night in Michigan, and all we heard about from the four salesmen on stage was about hand size, penis size, the use of said penis’s….how horrible of a president, President Obama is, how even more horrible of a president Secretary Clinton will be…how we might have to start four or fives wars to demonstrate how democracy works (somehow these four guys using democracy in a sentence is mind blowing), Obamacare sucks, who is the biggest liar(don’t you love it when a lying liar calls out another lying liar), and of the obligatory un-factual malarky about Planned Parenthood and their scheme to devalue Jesus’s creations. There was an Informercial last night in Michigan, and the only comment made about the Republican Governor, Snyder, and his majority led Republican Legislature who purposely and intentionally poised Flint Michigan’s water supply to save money, THE ONLY COMMENT WAS, Marco Rubio, declaring that Governor Snyder was doing a GOOD JOB in handling this man made horror show. Kind of reminds me of the time Georgie W flew above New Orleans retuned from his little ‘look-see’, and his comment was “Good Job Brownie”.