So, Ted Cruz, in order to satisfy his Evangelical Christian Patriot, NRA, White Robed, Republican base of voters has declared that we must be more vigilant in America and doing so we must monitor and patrol neighborhoods with populations of Muslims. Ted tries to make it clear that Islam is not the villain, although it is not the region of choice for most moral voters, but it is Muslims who we cannot consider good Americans. Senator Cruz is so tired of democracy failing us, that he now wants to void the Constitution and as President Obama so precisely said turn America into the kind of country Ted Cruz’s father escaped from because of their persistent denial of freedom. Like most republicans, history is a waste of time to study, and knee jerk reactions make more sense.
So, lets follow Ted Cruz’s newest plan for America and his distrust of Muslim’s even though he insists he is not anti-Islam. Perhaps if we follow Teddy’s reasoning (I am not assuming there is any but for the sake of argument will pretend there is), Should we not monitor and patrol the Christians who listen closely to their Ministers, Pastors, Priests who stand at their Christian holy places preaching to their crowds of zealots that murdering Gays is Gods will, that women should not be permitted to control their own reproductive parts so bombing Planned parenthood Clinics would be God’s plan. The Christian activist clergy who want to round up the homeless, deny food assistance to the poor, who believe that the Jews should either convert or be killed; are they not as culpable as the Imam’s? If we follow the Ted Cruz biased and bigoted and full of bull shit reasoning, then it may not be the Christian religion to blame, so it must be the Christians.
But then Ted is a hypocrite flirting with those who need a scapegoat, who desire someone else to be lower on the ladder of success, who implode at the thought that they are victims because of their own inactions. So many arguments all based on a human emotion of fear, all fanned to eliminate the truth and only satisfied ignited lies and loathing.