If you cheat on your wife, have a child out of wedlock, as long as you also disparage the Gays and swear over your dead body will the 2nd amendment be overturned, the evangelicals will laude you, love and linger with you. If you made payments to the Cuban government, insist that only stupid people pay taxes buddy up with some Russian dictators or Russian mafioso, as long as you create a rift between us and the rapist Mexicans or us and the ex- slaves of this nation, the good ole’ red white and confederate guys and gals will adore you and name you numero uno (oops I mean number one). As long as you ask who should be kicked out of a rally composed of a majority of Baptists, suggesting that those non-baptists identify themselves, infer that your genes are superior to, lets say anyone else’s, but swear that to be emperor you must be live in a gilded cage, never pay for work you deemed shoddy and confuse those self anointed Patriots that the Constitution has an amendment stating best, better, and huge is your right, you will parlay your bull shit into votes from enemies of the state, all lily white of course.
If you are a female and consider body shaming a cool kind of romanticizing from men, or understand that riding on the back of harley is where you belong…If you are a female and love being owned, like an assault weapon, a refrigerator, or even a John Deer electric lawn mower…If you are a female and understand that a man is only behaving as a man should demanding sex whenever he wants even if you don’t…If you subscribe to any of the above and are a female electing Donald Trump will fulfill all of your self loathing goals in life.
If you are a member of the Log Cabin Gay Republicans insisting that there is more to this election then freedoms or equality…If you are an African American and love when you hear Trump calling you one of his blacks…If you are of Latin descent perhaps coming from Cuba on a boat but insist that was okay because of persecution or bias against you in your homeland and love the idea of a wall to keep the riffraff out, then it makes sense to say si to Trump…If have never passed a civics test, or have read the US Constitution, and get pissed the the 2nd amendment is number two instead of number one…If you get angry because the police should never be questioned about their tactics, or not pledging allegiance to the flag and standing for the National Anthem should be a crime worth jail time…If you are any of the above voting for Trump is just like apple pie, a picket fence and motherhood. If you believe lying is okay, that bullying is the true spirit of America, that division the hallmark of America…just wait, WAIT until Trump becomes president, because everything you believe in will be blown away by a buffoon who is smart enough to con you into giving up everything that you think makes you so special!