Ah, yes, the good ole’ “Love It or Leave It”, response whenever someone questions the values of the American Flag or Anthem. We pride ourselves to be a land of free speech, but make great exception if we speak too negatively about anything red, white and blue. We become self defined Patriots at the ready to protect symbols of freedom, never truly understanding that without substance those symbols are nothing but facades.
Colin Kaepernick is now an enemy of the state, as he kneels when the National Anthem is played; explaining that until justice is evenly spread for all colors of the American public, the Star Spangled Banner is just a piece of music. Mr Kaepernick is deemed the bad guy, he must love America, but if he doesn’t love it, he MUST leave it. But then we have a bunch of people, waving the Confederate Flag, screaming that the South never lost the Civil War, or citizens of certain states clamoring to secede from the Union, who stand for the National Anthem, all insisting that this nation should not be an inclusive place, and somehow, there is nary a word directed at them, questioning their Patriotism.
Kind of confusing at the least, at least for me, as to who IS the enemy of the state and who isn’t. Does standing for the Flag or Anthem, supersede hate, bigotry, racism and resentment toward demographics of this nation? As long as you stand, that makes you a good American? So the act of standing is all you need to be a GOOD AMERICAN?