Trumps’ narcissism is so huge, that it almost swallows him up, just as a black hole ingests all of the energy that it comes across. Trump is so overly bloviated, that to fill any void, he loves to project his own acts of ignorance upon others. Trump is so full of his own ego, he needs to channel his irrational actions believing that if he accuses others of doing the same evil things he has enjoyed, he still gets the credit he desires knowing the dumbest of people will just pay attention only to his accusations. He can lie, and still swear he never spoke. He can cheat but play the victim. He can ridicule but just says he is honest. And so far, even with the grossest of actions and words, he is the bling for those bodies who believe if it is shiny it is BEST.
I find it hard to believe that SOME undecided voters are conned into thinking that a Trump 2.0 version waylays any racist, misogynistic, bigoted indignities Trump 1.0 has lounged and luxuriated in. Are there that many insecure people, who self victimize and seek others as an excuse for their own shabby and shoddy lives? Is this nation THAT stupid as to even consider Trump a viable human let alone candidate for president? Yet, we hear that crucial states like Ohio, Florida, Iowa, and Nevada are leaning toward a Trump victory.
No one has told Trump he is wearing no clothes. Trump threatens to embarrass Hillary with the misogynist behavior of Bill; yet has no idea of his own hatred toward his wives. Trump declares that Hillary is hiding something with the deleted emails; yet we have no tax returns. Trump moans that Wall Street will own Hillary; yet we have no idea how many Russian and Chinese bankers, mafioso, and Communist leaders are pulling his strings. And I have yet to hear one professional journalist respond to Trumps liars regarding any of those issues as they use Trumps glorious hashtags of lyin’ cheatin’ corrupt to define Hillary. If history books will still be written, and facts still be considered the truth once this nightmare is over, what will the words of the wise actually teach us? And, NOPE, Hillary is not the lesser of two evils; unless your scruples match those missing from Trump.