Ah, the poor perplexed media once again conned and ridiculed by the master of everything smoke and mirrors, Trump. Poor pitiful media only interested in sound bytes, glittery photo ops, the chance to be the first to report one more fallacy and lie by the Trump campaign. Poor pathetic bunch of men and women more interested in rating carrying less about rants, ruminating over ridiculous innuendo and fabrication, pretending they are just being partisan by-standers. Once again, Trump has the last laugh as he invited this pack of wolves to yet one more HUGE, BEST, GIANT shell game. Instead of saying anything of substance and for that matter truth, Trump got the gaggle of main street media (Maybe Palin was right in calling them ‘lame street’, media) to promote one more Trump scheme, his hotel in Washington. And now the rest of us Americans are supposed to feel sorry that a bunch of phony professionals got duped-YET AGAIN.
Good Ole’ Nancy Reagan, while reading horoscopes and using her Seer of all things cosmic to help poor sick Ronnie run our government, tried to tell Americans to “Just Say No” to drugs. (Avoidance of truth had been a hallmark of the the Co-Presidents, Nancy and Ronnie, but nonetheless it served them well). But maybe this time, “Just Say No” may actually have a chance to do some good. Instead of keeping people from being addicted to drugs, the “Just Say No” campaign if used correctly may stop the addiction and love affair the ‘Lame Street Media has with the ever ready to cause a riot Trump campaign. Imagine the respect most of the educated American public would have for the Press (And maybe the Press would discover self respect also), if they would only “Just Say No” to the Trump campaign, unless the trump campaign provide an agenda of what was really going to be said at his next HUGE press event. Imagine if when arriving at that press event the Press “Just said NO, when confronted with the real agenda of self promotion, and walked away. And imagine if the Press when asking a yes or no question from a Trumpet-eer surrogate and started to get just anti Hillary talking points if the Press “Just said NO” and stopped the interview?
Cancer cells thrive when they are not stopped from eating healthy cells. Imagine using that idea to stop the fabrications, falsehood, diversions and lies from Donald and the dumbasses speaking for him!