I have to wonder sometimes, who owns the American National Anthem and the American Flag? Are those owners the people who have decided the right and wrong way to participate while one is being played and the other is being flown? Seriously, who ARE the people who know what is right and wrong regarding the Anthem and the Flag. Are they the people who wear white hoods, swaztika’s on their shirts? Are they the people who believe the Confederate Army was the greatest army ever, and that the soldiers fighting for that army were the truest Americans? Are they the people who look the other way when minorities are denied basic human rights, or the LGBT community forbidden to love the way they were created to do? Are they only FOX viewers, untrusting of people who don’t have sex like they do, are of a different skin color then they are, don’t speak in language they do? Who are the owners?
Are the owners of the right way and wrong way, the same voters who don’t mind that Trump and his side kick Pence believe that Putin is a greater leader than Obama? That a dictator a man who has no respect for democracy is cooler then our president? Who owns the Flag and the Anthem, seriously. Are they the people who delight in saying love it or leave it, because only THEY truly understand the meaning behind behind the Flag and Anthem? Are the owners , the people who think the First Amendment only pertains to their desires and speech? Are they the people who think our Troops have only fought for people who Pledge Allegiance, the same people who believe this is a Christian nation only! Are they the people who think that the Troops are only white, so when bigotry, racism and hate is vented toward people of color of Muslim faith or atheists,standing for the National Anthem while discriminating is okay?
I stand while the National Anthem is played, I cross my heart over my chest as I pledge allegiance, I do so because until the chance that Trump is elected I believe in the possibilities of this nation. But I realize had it not been for Americans who disagreed with our government policies…the rights of women… freedom for slaves…the strife of workers before unions…the LGBT community fighting for the ability to love whom they want to…the soldiers who upon returning from wars good and bad asking for their fare share! Had it not been for those Americans who said standing for the Anthem and saluting the Flag mean nothing if we ALL can’t participate in democracy, NOT standing for injustice, we might have nothing at all.