Addiction: A strong and harmful need to regularly have something or do something. Addict: To devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively. Enabler: A person who enables or encourages negative or self destructive behavior in another. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
Donald Trump is ADDICTED to the welfare of Donald Trump. He is an ADICT who must lie, insult, demean any one who IS not Donald Trump; knowing his insecurity will smother him if he does not act the belligerent bully. His narcissism is his drug of choice, and it must be fed almost 24 hours a day. He is aware of his hiding behind his self made facade, and is always on guard to keep any one other than his own dominion of demons from wanting behind his empty storefront of a personality. There is NO debate as to this addict’s obsession with self, he has demonstrated ad-nauseam, just how low, how deceptive, how deceitful he will go to shoot up his own ego.
Cable New/The Press/ Faux Reporters are ENABLERS for the ADDICTION of the ADDICT, Donald Trump. Misrepresenting professional journalism, the Media, has played the WE ARE just doing our jobs card, lamenting that they MUST be partisan in reporting on politicians. They have agreed that Donald Trump’s political prowess is of a low standard and the Media decided to relegate Trump’s presidential quest to be that of a first grader running for president of his elementary school class. The Media has two standards, so it seems, regarding anything Trump: Have he or his surrogates lie it improves the ratings, OR be the news instead of reporting it (Pretending you shocked and appalled). Often times, the only way for an ADDICT to recover from his ADDICTION is for the loving ENABLER to first understand that hard love is necessary and that they can no longer provide the ADDICT with his choice of ADDICTION.
Imagine, if every time Trump or his surrogates don’t answer a question without blaming someone else, and the Media asking the question one more time say to the ADDICTS, if you can not answer this question the interview is over. Imagine when Trump and his surrogates lie, and the Media, inform the ADDICTS of their lies, saying if you do not stop lying this interview is over. Imagine if Trump can’t get his fix, how diminished he would become.