Cowards create conspiracy theories about themselves. The Ides of March somehow has swept into the odious oddity that has become October, and an empty vessel running for president has decided to fill his mindless minions with tales from the Crypt. The democratic system is rigged, it is ruined and it will remain tarnished according to Trump. And one by one the rhetoric from Republican politicians, trying their best to please pubescent public known as their base, walk a tight rope to mock Trump or mimic him. This nation is a true form of democracy say some, the same some who have invented uncalled for voter ID Laws, or restrictive hours to vote, it is not true. And then the die hard Republicans who are only in office due to their gerrymandered tampering of the democratic way shout HEIL to the Chief, insisting Trump may have a point!
Conspiracy theories, HUH! How about this diddy, you Republicans (who have already made it clear that if Hillary is elected you will continue to be as obstructionistic as you were with President Obama), your Party’s candidate is about to show you just how he dances to the tune of Russian rubles.
The DNC has been hacked, anything Hillary has been hacked, Roger Stone, the Dennis the Menace of the alt-right, has admitted his close relationship with Vlad and company. Russian oligarchs have spent millions on anything Trump. Money, fame and fortune filled Donald’s body where there never was a conscience. Vlad is a coward in the same manner as Trump, but he is a lot more sophisticated in the Art of the Con. Vlad knows there ain’t no red, white and blue in Trumps eyesight, just golden letters blazing as the sun rises, spelling TRUMP. Vlad may have is nuclear bomb option, but too much radiation with that. Instead, he explains to Donald (for a few million rubles here and there) that creating an uprising, a revolution from the self victimized vagabonds who only see themselves as the victim will cause such instability in this nation to stop us from keeping the US’s eye on the international scene; providing some easy targets, for the Russians. Vlad is smart enough to realize, Trump is a junior sized buffoon, whose only nourishment is money. Trump may win or lose, but like termites, settling into the frame of a house, all it takes is a shaky foundation before the whole house implodes. Now this is a conspiracy theory I can believe in!