Hey John McCain, what the hell have you become?! One time in your life you understood valor, you believed that country came before self. You were a hero! Now John McCain you are heretic!! Your decline into anarchy began when you decided to not vet Sarah Palin, thinking that it would not matter if the country elected a bigoted, ignorant idiot; just as long as you could become president. Your emergence into irrelevance continued as you decided holding a grudge against President Obama because HE became president and NOT you, was a dignified approach to help govern this nation. And now you act as a treasonous spoiled old man who not only hates this country, but will get even with the citizens who DID NOT want you to be president in the first place.
John McCain you have become THE poster boy for Term Limits in the Senate. At first I thought how dare you declare that you and your Fascist GOP senate buddies will NOT permit Hillary to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, but then I remembered that ever since you and another over the hill senator, Mitch McConnell had your secret meeting to NEVER say yes to Obama, my dismay was just a futile waste of American time. You smell of garbage left to bake in the Arizona sun. Your scheming to deny democracy, your spoiled sycophant attempt to ignore the Constitution, and your disdain for decency are a disgusting overview of a man in government who believes the only thing owed is to himself.
I would add how do you look at yourself in the mirror, but I realize part of the 21st Republican Party platform is ignoring the truth. You are a pathetic shell of an American, John McCain. Instead of the history books celebrating your love for country during the Viet Nam War, you become a footnote acknowledging you as one of the foot soldiers fighting for the demise of democracy! What the hell have you become, John McCain!